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Hunesti Maire Hill , 19

i had made it into the house abt 10 mins ago .. i had just been sitting on my phone .

i was trying to decide which pic i wanted to post , sincere had took flics of me while we were in the car but i just couldn't pick one to post .

scaring me a little i got a call from an old from my old bsf in BR .

i answered js bc i haven't heard from her in a while .

" omg hey essyyy ! " she screamed from the phone , her face was so lit up .

" heyy deja " i retorted i missed her , we fell out 2 days before i moved out here bc of the fact i was moving .

" omg i missed you so much baeee ."

" i missed you too pookieee " i said .

" i know we haven't talked in a minute .. but i promised the day you left that one day when i get old enough i would fly out there to see you ." she said

" and i'm flying out in 2 dayssss " she said making my lip drop .

" OMGG DEJAAAA " me and deja were diaper buddies .

" you lying ? dpwm rn " i said

" im not playing i will show you my flight tickets right now " she said fidgeting with something in the back .


me and deja talked for like 2 hours it was now 12 sum ..

she finally decided she was gonna get some rest even though she was waiting for that call from sincere.

she thought that he'd probably never call which was typical of a nigga , she didn't care that much tho her n sincere had js meet her didn't owe her a phone call .

tying my scarf i grabbed my bonnet throwing it over , js as i was about to lay down my phone began ringing .

Sincere 💕 .
would like to facetime ..

putting a big smile on my face i quickly pressed that green button .

hearing some of the commotion in the back i thought i'd just wait for him to speak .

" wsg lil ma ." he spoke with a raspy tone .

i could tell he had been smoking it was kinda obvious .

" heyyy " i retorted

putting his whole face in the camera i seen his red low hanging eyes which js proved my suspicions .

" what you doing sincere ? " i asked genuinely curious .

" chillin at my homie cruz house with some of my other homies " he said looking around checking his surroundings .

there was a lot of people there n i could tell he was tryna be cautious , it was kinda attractive no lie .

i figured i'd js do things i normal do .. scrolling on tiktok watching ppl stories on ig stuff like that ..

" essy don't do it like that  " my dad told me as i held the gun in my hand .

i huffed he always was tryna teach me something as if i didn't already know enough .

" i got it daddy " i replied back getting frustrated .

i slammed the gun down and sat on the couch just as chevo walked in .

" what's wrong with ha ? " chevo asked my da

" she don't even know " my da said making me smack my teeth .

i did not like the fact i grew up with mostly boys .

" y'all talkin abt me like im not right here .." i said with a attitude .

" anyways da what we finna do ? we got 2 rats out here .. " chevo  said making me tone them out idc about what they were talkin abt .

making me smile i got a text from sincere , we had been talkin since last night he told me good morning this morning and i ain't never had that before .

sincere was older , very mature and ian never fw a mature nigga before .

snapping me from my thoughts i felt chevo standing above me .

" get up , you finna ride wimme ." chevo said knocking my phone out my hand .

" you did not have to do all that , n riding with you where ? " i asked

" don't worry abt it just go get in the car ." he said handing me the keys to his new car .

i jumped up because i been waiting to drive that mf .

before he let good grip go he snatched them back .

" don't do no dumb shit hunesti ." he said maybe he knew me well .

" im not .." i said then left out the door .

heading to his car that was parked on the sidewalk i got in looking around .

" thissss is niceeeeeee " i said checking the back out .

i would try to drive it but charles was crazy irl so ian wanna take no risk , fuck around n shoot a bad bitch in this nice ass car n shi .

i sat in the passenger seat scrolling on tiktok , i had no idea where we was finna go .

i learned not to question my father nor my brothers when it came to stuff like this .

after finally 5 mins chevo had finally came out to the car .

" so you ready to tell me where we going ? " i asked just as he crunk the car up .

" js sit back . "


im finna be more consistent for y'all, i think ..
but y'all ain't ready fa what's next 🌚 .

DANGEROUSLOVE ™Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ