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SUNDAY 5:33 pm

My da made me and Vonte leave the hospital he said we needed to get some rest ..

Right now all i could think about was prince , i needed somebody to hold me right now .

Knowing he couldn't do it i thought of the next person , Sincere .

Scrolling thru my contacts trying to pay attention to the road i clicked on his name facetiming him .

he answered after the 3rd ring .

" yoo ?" he said all i seen was a roof of a car in his camera .

" can you stop by my house please ?" i said in a stuffy voice being that was i was crying .

" yea , what's wrong hunesti ?" he asked .

" just call me when you outside ." i said as i pulled onto my street .


It had been bout 5 mins , i was sitting on the couch waiting for the call from sincere .

i heard a light knock at the door , opening it i felt better it was sincere .

I let him in hugging him at the door .. " wassup ?" he questioned me looking concerned.

looking at him i just let my brain flow thru my mouth , i told him everything how i felt , what happened what needed to happen how i thought it was my fault all of it .

" woah woah , slow down ." he said grabbing my had sitting me down .

" it's not yo fault lil mama i promise , you thinking about all the bad in the situation ." he spat

" at least you found your brother , and at least vic n his men were hit they know y'all sob now" he said little did hunesti know he knew all about this n had vic tied up in his basement right now .

" but sincere , chevo has brain and nerve damage .. if it's permeant ts gone ride on my back for the rest of my life ." she said wiping her tears trying to control  herself infront of him .

" don't think of the worst think of positive outcomes .." he said

" it's not that easy ." hunesti retorted

" well we bout to fix it .. we bout to take your mind off of it ." he said standing up removing his jacket grabbing the remote .

" you hungry ?" he asked

i just shook my head , anybody that know me  i'm never not hungry .

" aight , wanna watch princess n the frog ?" he asked the night we went to the arcade he asked me about myself and i told him that was my fav movie .

" mhm" i said as i laid my head on his shoulder as we both got comfortable .

my mind was slowly easing idk what he was doing but he was doing it right .


waking up seeing that me and sincere we're laid out on my couch i woke up hearing a phone ring for the 100th time .

it was a mixture of me and sincere's , it was 10:21 me and him had been together for 5 hours straight i woke up to less stress on my brain .

picking up my phone i seen calls from vonte , my da , deja , and shi even tiny .

I knew deja didn't know shi about what was going on with my brother so i called vonte back trying to avoid my daddy .

I knew if it was someone who could get the truth out of me it was my daddy  .

" hello ?" i said speaking lowly trying not to wake sincere .

" bro , da found out" he said making me tune out everything else he was saying

I just knew all the loyalty that lyes between me and my daddy was gone ..

" hunesti ?" i heard repeatedly into my ear which made me snap out of wtv i was in .

after that it's like something took over me , i couldn't control my breathing , i couldn't see or feel anything my eyes just shut .

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