Chapter 1 - The Newcomer

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Rain slipped down the walkway and towards the gutter, each droplet almost like a pin drop within the silence that was that early Sunday morning. Of course, this was only a factor until Baker Street came into view. Along the road to the door of 221B, it could be heard that a gentle melody had started to chirp as the morning birds did.

Each chipper melody sung was mimicked by the strings of a vintage Stradivarius, the source soon interrupted by a short blonde whose angered face burned a gentle red.

"It is five in the bloody morning, Sherlock!" Of course, this man, with his military-cut blonde hair, was accustomed to his flatmate's odd hours. However, with the wearisome work hours, he had grown irritated and quite suddenly as well.

A final string was plucked, "John," the assailant, as John would put it at this point, lulled his head back to catch a glimpse of his friend. "Why are you awake?" While the question would have seemed like something of empathy and worry, it struck as more confused than anything else.

"Someone is playing a bloody violin at an ungodly hour!" He retorts, unable to keep a killer gaze off of Sherlock.

"It's for a case," is the only form of sympathy he was given. "The case of the morning murder, which you so kindly named and posted about on your blog,"

"No one cares if they're in the works, Sherlock. They make you seem less..." John couldn't find a less insulting word to use, so he simply trailed off.

"You mean to make me seem more human?" Sherlock inquires with a gentle look of smugness.

"Relatable," the other corrected in a hurry. "However, other aspects fog that claim a little," he jokes. Slumping down into the plaid armchair, John would reach for his paper, but it seemed at this hour that paper boys would have only started.

"What do you mean by that?" Sherlock continues to pluck at the strings of his violin, dragging the bow along each one right after in a rhythmic tune.

John wasn't sure how to elaborate without cracking up like an embarrassed teen talking about 'taboo'. "Human... urges, as you put it,"

Sherlock accidentally falters his stance with his trusty instrument. "Right, that's enough," he turns to John, focused on a subject change. At this very moment, seconds after the certain note was sung, a bird flew right into the window.

"Christ!" the blogger was quick to his feet, only calmed by the animal getting back to its feet, ruffling the mocha feathers along its wings.

"Case solved," Sherlock says with a satisfied smile, "now you can make me seem less human,"

John watches the birds tweet, looking into the flat before taking flight into the chilly air. Without anything else to add, he decided to ready himself for Sherlock's usual speech at Scotland Yard.


It was without a doubt that Lestrade hated this part of the case the absolute most. While asking Sherlock for help had always taken a blow to his ego, it had  become easier over time. However, the detective pointing out the blatantly obvious clues each time brought his pride down to an almost nonexistent low.

Not that it hurt... that much. He simply wished the detective had taken some feedback and acted more sympathetically. Of course, he only knew it was a possibility due to experience with one other person.

In fact, that very moment Sherlock stepped into Scotland Yard, he felt a chill run down his spine, and conversation with said similar person halted. This reaction wasn't too foreign to the other two acquainted with Sherlock either.

"Oh god," Donovan glanced regretfully to the door as Anderson straightened up his posture.

Sherlock moved through the office with unmatched confidence, delighted at the pure genius of the murderer. It all made sense! Lestrade's dumbfounded look would be a bonus.

"Lestrade!" It could be heard in his voice, the smug smile paired. "The Kelly Raigh case-"

"The maid," Lestrade said with a simple hum, "yes, I know,"

"What?" The situation took a turn for the better, at least in regards to Lestrade's pride and John's amusement.

"The maid. We know she did it," he repeats, clarifying it further in case it had somehow got lost within translation... or Sherlock's denial.

"How did you know? Did she confess?" John's curiosity took over, walking further into the room. This granted him the sight of a figure relaxed in an armchair, "oh, hi,"

"John Watson, yes? And I presume this is the famous Sherlock Holmes," your eyes drag across both men, John shifting on his feet while Sherlock mimicked your exact actions. "Infamous, depending on who you ask, I suppose,"

"Sherlock, John, this is Y/n, one of my closest friends," Greg introduces you with a simple gesture.

Sherlock paid no mind to this introduction, instead focusing on Lestrade, who was given an irritated and pointed look.

"Right... well, she didn't confess," he puts the case file down. "Y/n solved it for me last night,"

"He does leave these files all over the place," you remark, hands pushing against the armrests until you are back on your feet.

Something about this left John close to laughter. Was it the fact Sherlock was almost pink with annoyance or that the great detective had met his match?

Snatching up a crisp twenty pounds from between his two fingers, you slip it into the pocket of your pants with a salute. Moving past both men, it was obvious whatever pestering glare was felt was, in fact, from Sherlock himself. A deep breath entered his lungs, fists clenching up until it was held out, palm open and facing the ceiling expectingly.

"Sorry, Y/n took the next case," he shrugs.

"Lestrade, I'm not requiring any payment! Why would you give it to" he was rambling red-faced now.

"Because Y/n is nice to me," he hands a spare file over anyway, "but you solve this before her, then I'll give you the twenty,"

He huffs in return without care while John holds a thumbs up, seeing it as the universe's selfless act of karma towards Sherlock's choice to wake the blogger up so early that very morning.



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Merry Christmas to all who celebrate, and happy holidays if you don't celebrate! I wish you all well!

- Anna ❤️

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