Chapter 28 - Trial and Error

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There were three days before the trial, each moment passing with little to nothing to do. However, Sherlock visited each day, bringing you a stress ball, for example, or a candy bar to ease you before trial. Not that you needed it, but he was still sweet for doing so.

"Alright, L/n, hands forward," an officer orders.

"Yeah, yeah, calm it," you scoff. Instead of the clothes you had been taken in with, you were later visited by Jim, who slipped in new clothes just for you. After all, this would be the second appearance of Jim's skill in court.

Each step was an echo of intimidation, many staring at you with wide eyes and whispers. The courthouse had swarms of news reporters as well as a mass of crowds trying to catch sight of Sherlock, who slowly stepped up the marble staircase with John by his side.

Moriarty wasn't too far behind, Sebastian and him ready to watch on with the possibility of others at the table attending as well. Madam Liu was a certainty as well as Rockwell, which wasn't much comfort to you, but it was somewhat nice to know.

You stood facing the judge with an unwavering smile. From your recollection, he was the same one to judge Jim during his trial, not precisely any help with your case being secured by the Moriarty cable network. Yes, repetition was monotonous, but it was effective, and no one but Sherlock knew the key to Jim's success.

Pledges to truth were lied through, jurors nervously glancing around the room before taking no more than a second to look at you.

"Miss L/n, you are charged with fifteen counts of first-degree murder, seven counts of second-degree murder and..." beyond this, a list of crimes under the Poison Act and other ones that caused your brain to divert attention were read. In all honesty, this was an impressive list to read, not morally correct, but impressive nonetheless. "How do you plead?"

"Not guilty, your honour."

With that over with, the trail began. The prosecution had guns loaded and a mountain of evidence against you; of course, this would be useless time spent as you glance back to see Jim smiling from the stands. You return the smile before looking down at the mention of a particular name: Sherlock Holmes.

The judge felt his heart stop, stress returning as well as annoyance. How was it possible that he had to deal with this nuisance more than once in his career? Especially on such highly covered cases.

Sherlock's eyes never left yours when he took the stand. He was silent and put together, glinting back in his eyes, all for you. While he wasn't too fond of the situation, he still felt awestruck to see you up there, looking at him in calm delight. It was a gentle 'I love you' every time you nodded, his two blinks acting as a reply of 'I love you too'.

It was hard to think of such a devastating reveal. Sherlock still looked at you with love and attraction as he did from the start. Now you knew all those glances weren't just platonic; it was all a slow marathon.

However, now wasn't the time to romanticise Sherlock more; now was the moment to hear his every word.


"Well, that was anti-climatic," you frown when Jim visits you in your cell, just moments after the trial ended.

"The point wasn't a show, Y/n," Jim hums, "it was to get you out of this cell," he flicks the metal bar.

"I know, but can you blame me for my boredom?" You walk up to him, "What's the plan now?"

"Moriarty protection program, you need to leave the country," he shrugs, "I'm sorry, but it's the only way for you to live your life a little more... stress-free-" just as he finishes his sentence, he catches a disappointed look on your face, "Holmes,"

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