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"Since when did we run out of paper plates" Dahlia yells across the apartment, scrounging around all of their kitchen cabinets just to find one paper plate for the pot pocket she's been looking forward to eating all day.

"Since, like two days ago" Maddie replies from the living room, switching positions on the couch as she locks eyes with her phone.

This is Dahlias and Maddie's second semester at their college, and also their second semester in their new apartment. she was planning on staying at home with her mom for a few more years if she got accepted but turns out she and Maddie both got offered a full ride scholarship for their academic achievements, which included room and board. After checking out the tiny dorms, they both decided that the best option would be to rent an apartment on the outskirts of campus. Bigger, cheaper, and they both get bedrooms, and a conjoined kitchen/living room space instead of just one tiny room to share.

It's still pretty small, but it's bigger and nicer than a dorm room. It's all been great, too, besides the slightly increased bickering between she and Maddie. But it's rare, and it's only on bad days, so it's bearable.

"God," Dahlia groans, dramatically leaning her forehead against the cabinet in sadness. "And we're out of paper towels too. We should've just gotten the real plate set" "Girl, just put whatever you're cooking in the microwave without a plate or paper towel. That's what I've been doing," Maddie tells her, somehow able to hold a complete conversation while aggressively typing on her phone.

"Come on, that's why this microwave is freaking disgusting now," Dahlia replies, looking around at all of the crusty, dried food that's been cooked into the sides and top of it.

She sighs and looks between the horrendous microwave and the Hot Pocket she's been daydreaming about during two of her midterms today. she eventually decides that her growling stomach overpowers the level 6/10 disgusting factor of the microwave, and plops it in without a plate, trying not to think about it too long.

When it's done, she sits down at the table, a steaming Hot Pocket and glass of apple juice in front of her, and a fork in hand. She takes his first relaxed breath of her hectic day, trying to enjoy the peaceful moment.

"Finally," She sighs, cutting open the front of the pizza-sandwich, watching the melted cheese pull apart, bringing a perfectly-halved pepperoni along with it. She stares at it on the end of her fork, before closing her eyes, and bringing it to her mouth.

But it never gets there.

The door swings open loudly right as it touches her lips, and the sudden movement makes Dahlia drop the fork into her lap before she can even taste it.

"Walking to this stupid apartment in the rain freaking sucks," Jenna walks (more like trudges messily) inside the apartment, hooking her soaking wet bag onto the chair opposite of Dahlia, and pulling her muddy boots off and setting them by the door.

Oh, and that's another person that made it into their college from Midtown: Jenna Ortega.

Although the three of them weren't extremely close in high school and were only casual acquaintances, they were still the only other people they knew at the gigantic, scary college, so they instinctually all flocked together eventually during their first semester. And no, she doesn't hate Jenna per se, but strongly dislike is still very fitting. She tried so hard at first to get along with her, but she's rude, cocky, obnoxious, and she bursts into their apartment at the absolute worst times she possibly could. And Dahlia hates that. She also teases her relentlessly about everything, when all she wants is some peace and quiet after a long day of midterm exams. It's almost like she wants her to hate her sometimes.

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