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Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can


I knew precisely when Tasha left but never told a soul what I saw and heard. It may be spiteful of me, but I didn't think they deserved to know. The adults that were once human would doubt my memory of those minutes and assure me that I was wrong, that they had recaptured Tasha. Not happening.

My opinion of the flock further dropped when it took them eleven, yes eleven, days to notice she was gone.

That was the turning point for most of them. The guilt ate at them, and they deserved it. I had no sympathy for anyone. Their treatment of someone who almost gave her life for a hatchling and then was captured was beyond anything I expected from this flock.

I have spent the days since Tasha left searching for a way to become what I wanted. I have watched the Kymari to see if any stood out as one I could trust—my handler-to-be. I also spend time every afternoon at the sandbar, practicing my fire streams and fireballs. I will be the best Sicora hunter ever!

Tasha has been communicating with Drake and letting him know of any news. I have been going to him directly to ask about Tasha and what she is telling us. It was also stated that they would only take another Dragonet if it were injured or cast out of the flock. This will make it a little tricky for me as I am neither. But I will continue to try, and maybe I can finally have that talk with Tasha soon.

My parents got wind of Tasha's visit before I did and took me to the other side of the park with others. I'm still not sure why, as they voiced that they are happy for Tasha and her choice, but at the same time, they are distant.

Two more Dragonets joined the Kymari that day because an accident almost killed Serena. Her mate, Tom, would not leave her side, and the Kymari would not separate them as they were mates. Once she healed, they would train to hunt Sicora.

I KNEW that our being there would not have stopped that tree fall. I KNEW that Serena would have died without the medical help of the Kymari. I KNEW both of these things without a shadow of a doubt. BUT-I couldn't help the resentment at my parents that we were not there to help dig her out or be there for comfort as she was in pain and bleeding out. We were an hour away because my parents wanted to distance themselves from Tasha.

A few weeks later, once we were told that Serena and Tom were doing well and she was healing, I cornered Drake while he was sunbathing.

"I need a favor from you, but I ask you to keep it between us," I said to him softly.

"It depends upon the favor." His voice was severe, as he felt my emotions behind my words.

"I want to talk to Tasha, but each time we know she is coming, my parents take me to the other side of the park. Please let me know the next time she is coming without letting them know."

Drake just stared at me for a moment, mulling over my words.

"Why do I need to do that? I can open a link with her and include you now."

"I want it to be a private conversation," I said.

"Are you thinking of leaving the flock for the Kymari, Clover?" He asked softly. "I will keep your secrets, little one. You are what, nine months old now? Maybe you should think about this until you are a year old."

"I've been thinking about it for half my life, Drake. I want to talk to Tasha. Not leave with her." I assured him. Even though I knew, if given the chance, I would go with her.

"How about this? I will tell Tasha, when we next speak, to open a link with you. This way, it's private. And once it is established, you may be able to link her any time you want. You're old enough now to hold a faraway link. Then no one has to lie or hide anything." He compromised.

"Will you tell my parents about this discussion or the link with Tasha?" I asked guiltily.

"No. You are old enough to make your own decisions." He stated plainly but with sorrow. He has lost three friends to the Kymari so far. While I understand his feelings, it doesn't change mine.


"Clover! I've missed you! I've not seen you in ages."  It's Tasha!

"Tasha! I've missed you too! So much! Are you okay? Are they treating you well?"

"I'm doing good. Drake said you wanted to talk to me. What's wrong, little one?"  I'm unsure what to say now that I can speak to her.

"I'm not little anymore, Tasha! I'm almost a year old."  I've thought about this, and I'm just going to say it. "I want to hunt with the Kymari and have a handler like you. But I know I'm not hurt and don't know how to get a handler. I need advice."

Silence. But I feel the confusion through the mindlink.

"What do your parents think of this decision?"  Now, how do I explain this?

"I haven't told them. They are so caught up in the past they can not see that what you chose is a good thing. They believe you are caged like they were, and that won't change. I'm sorry if this hurts you, Tasha. They kept the others and me away from you. I'm not happy in the flock anymore."  More silence and some hurt came through the link.

"I listened to your story and saw how sad the Kymari was when he thought you died. I was coming to see you the night you went back. I saw your reunion, and my parents can not tell me you are mistreated. I. Saw. His. Face. He cares deeply for you, and coming from a Kymari, that is impressive. I want that, and I want to hunt the monsters with you. Please help me."  I begged.

"Clover, once you become a bond animal, there is no going back. You can visit as often as your handler allows, but you can't return to the flock once you leave. You can not change your mind later. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes,"  I reply. "I've been going over this for over four months, Tasha. This is what I want."

"Okay. Here is what to do..."

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