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Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world


Leopold came to see me every day for the next week. Each day, I brought him the same leaves from a green plant. Hopefully, he will figure out what I'm trying to tell him.

Following Tasha's advice, I would only take food from him. If I took it from someone else, they could give me to any handler. Instead, I got to pick my own. It took him several days before he announced to the others that he would take the position if the elders offered it.

He was now wearing shoulder pads so I could sit there. The fruit he gives me is so good; some are things we don't have in the park. I like the orange-colored melon the best. I think it's called cantaloupe-besides the Sunburst berries. He has not given me Shia fruit yet. I heard him tell someone he would give me that on the day I left. Each day, he comes with a different person tagging along.

My back was itching badly, as no one had been around me to help me scratch it. Dragonets cannot reach the center between our wings, so others typically help. It's almost impossible to wash, too.

My self-imposed exile had become more real once I announced over the general mindlink that I had chosen a handler and would be leaving the park. My parents had not told anyone, so I needed to do it myself. I was proud of my decision, and I stepped into it. This was the hill I would willingly die on, even if I had to be itchy.

My friends thought I was crazy at first, but I noticed they had started hiding in the trees during my visits with Leopold and will hopefully come to terms with it.

"Have you tried to clean and oil his scales yet?" his friend asks, seeing me trying to scratch my back. He started to lean over to touch my back, and I leaned away and grumbled. I only let Leopold touch me, and to be honest, I'm still not comfortable with it completely. I don't want others doing it.

"I haven't, but it looks like he needs it. Let's see if he lets me." He pulled a few things from his pack and laid them on the bench. I recognized the pad from an image Tasha had sent to me. She told me that besides hunting Sicora, it's the best perk of being a bonded animal.

Leopold motioned me over with a Sunburst berry in his hand. He has the pad in the other. As I munched on my treat, he gently scrubbed my scales. It felt amazing. As he continued, doing all of my wings, back and neck, I had laid across his lap with wings spread out. I had never had my scales scrubbed by anything else but sand. I felt cleaner than I had ever been in my life.

But wait, there's more! I know the oil comes next, and Tasha had said it was the best part. I'm starting to doubt that because this scrubbing is better than anything I've ever felt. I watch him open a vial and put a few drops on his fingers. He then massages it between my scales so it rubs into my skin. Oh my. I never realized how dry my skin was. All my itching vanished within minutes, and I was so comfortable and sleepy. I knew to stay awake, but it was hard. My whole body felt so good.

"You're right. I have no words to describe how good this feels." I sent all my emotions through the mindlink to Tasha. "So good..."

She didn't answer, but I felt her amusement through the link. She seemed preoccupied, and I wondered if she was working. I let the connection go and just relaxed on Leopold's lap. Life is good.

A few days later, Leopold came to the park with a female. She was carrying a large case with her. I didn't recognize her as one of the park's watchers. I chirped hello to him and came to rest on his shoulder. I tilted my head at her and just waited.

"Can we sit on the bench over here?" she said. "You may need to hold him."

I was not liking this, but I trust Leopold, and he would not endanger me. I'm sure of that, but I hissed at her as she approached to show I wasn't happy.

"It's okay, little one. Let me get a quick reading."

"He doesn't like this. Maybe we should wait, and I'll bring him to the vet after I get him settled."

"No need, I'm all done. And I think you mean her."

"A girl? Really? Maybe I will name you Clover after this plant you keep bringing me."

Mission accomplished!

On the following day, Elder Dairno came to the park with Leopold. This Elder Kymari made me slightly uneasy. I knew he had the power to take Leopold away from me, but that wasn't it. He talked out loud to both of us, almost like he was waiting for something from me. I didn't know what. It was like he knew that we are sentient. I used my actions to show my interest in Leopold and the Kymari world.

"Leopold," Elder Dairno spoke, "would you like to be a bonded animal handler for this fire lizard?" His tone was severe and flat. "This is a huge undertaking and will change your life. Be sure of your decision."

"Yes, I would be honored." Came the reply.

"Then it is done."

I chirped loudly and happily. I did it!! I'm now a bonded fire lizard!!

Only after did I realize my mistake. We weren't supposed to understand them as we were just animals. I turned my face to Leopold, but he was shaking the hand of the Elder, not seeming to notice my delight at something I should not have understood. Then I turned to the Elder, who also turned his attention to me. He gave a very slight nod that seemed directed at me and the barest hint of a smile before he walked away.

Oh no.

Imagine (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon