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"No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith."
― R.A. Salvatore

Hey guys! The start of a new book!! I hope you enjoy and please don't be afraid to comment! I'm world-building here and introducing the main character, so I know it might be a lot, but I hope that you find each of them a little mysterious, but a little cool.
I know that things might be moving a little fast, but that's how the beginning of the story is going to be.
Also, if you're reading it for the first time I uploaded this, so sorry, my wifi sucks and it didn't save my stuff properly *cries* nothing saved how I wanted it to save *cries harder* but you're here! I appreciate those of you who are reading this, despite it being oh-so-different than my usual works.
Anywayyyyys... I'm really excited to get this book started! I can't explain how long I've been planning this and wanting to show it to you guys. Oh! I also drew the art for the cover piece, so I hope you like it :))

Trigger Warning:
Mentions of past child abuse, mentions past torture, references to imprisonment, references to bodily harm/mutilation, slight depictions of starvation and/or bodily harm via hunger, minor injuries, unreliable narration, and slight racism towards a fictional race (witches - and only about believing they're all harmful/evil)

Part One - Chapter One
"The Lost Little Dragon"

On the edge of the town, across from a bakery and a blacksmith and centered at the front of a large forest, is a little shop owned by a witch.

It's tall and large, with big windows and shiny red bricks half-hidden behind a magnificent garden. Inside, there are hundreds of things to catch someone's eye—trinkets and gadgets and useless lovely things. Feathers and unlucky rabbits' feet and dire wolf fangs, there's seeds and hand-crafted jewelry and beautiful glass wind chimes.

There's enchanted weapons and clothes and funky little hats in every shape and size.

There's a box of sphinx feathers, a tube of pixie dust glowing from an empty basket, and pictures of stray, mystic creatures. Griffins and satyrs and little green faes. Books on imps and talking serpents and a mix match of wild things. Charms, crystals, and rocks bundled together; herbs like cypress and lavender line the shelves next to the mushrooms and across from the line of staffs and grimoires.

Spells and wards and bottled luck at the back. A library full of everything from history books to fanatical theories on ancient gods hidden by a door of beads.

It's everything a witch, human, or other could possibly need.

Astraeus, though—he doesn't want any of it.

The books that dance in place and the rocks that shine are nice and the rosemary and mint that lines the walls smell good, but they won't help him survive.

What Stray wants is in the chest behind the counter in the form of dried meat and tightly packaged berries. There's small containers of water next to it and a first aid kit on top that seems to always be freshly packed.

Stray isn't really sure why the witch who owns this shop doesn't have any wards up against thieves.

There's a good number for things like protection and sturdiness—things to keep those with ill-intentions away and to keep the building standing tall, the insides pristine—but none for people with nimble fingers and quick feet.

Even back when he could sneak in before they knew he was there, he'd be able to grab enough food to live off of for a couple days every other month or so without getting caught. The hatchling doesn't understand it, because every other shop has some type of ward up to prevent their wares from falling into the wrong hands, but he is grateful for it.

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