Meeting her

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      A full year ago we landed on this planet called Earth we had begun communications with their leaders four years ago unbeknownst to the people not running the countries. We offered to help them with their environmental issues and problems feeding people. We fixed the issue with their fossil fuel issues giving the answer for fuel and electricity. Helped them with the cleaning of their water. We are an older race and thus have been to the brink of destruction before that is one of the causes to the disease that wiped out 85% of our female population and hurt many of the children born. Making it difficult for them to bare children. Thus, the agreement for helping these countries we only asked one thing in return a chance to offer for a small amount of their women to journey to our world. It had to be of their own choice. It takes a full year of medication for the women to be ready for our planet although it is very similar in most ways to theirs. We all breath oxygen and the foods we eat are compatible the gravity on our planet is a bit more thus making it harder for them to survive on our planet also there is a mineral that is not fully compatible to the human body. This medication needed to be taken for the one solar year of theirs would make their bodies process this mineral.

         Now Earth is not the first planet we have taken women from. But we have come a long way with this. Including the DNA testing to see who a better fit for each female would be. And the higher the percentage the more likely of mating would result in offspring. And our males will have something more to look forward to. To help with their mindsets. Not many children have been born this way thus we are hoping the humans are a better fit for us. And Earth has many that are matches that are higher of a percentage. One of these females are at 100% match. I am one of the matches for her I know I am her top match I have more information open to me than the normal run. I am one of three leaders. I am the deciding factor over the other 2 and the only one without a mate or other half. And this female will hopefully choose me to be one of hers. She will be the only one who can second guess me or even out right argue with me. She will even have a say in the way we run things on our planet. I have gotten a message she will be leaving her planet and has agreed to give our species and planet a chance. I have also decided to go undercover to meet her and get to know her before she is faced with any meeting. The reason I am going in disguise is I don't want to scare her with my true self, and I don't want all of the others with me to know who I am at this point.       

    The reason for doing things like this and slowly integrating ourselves into their planet is because of the past where humans were taken without the choice, they call it abductions. And then the humans found would be auctioned off as either breeder, workers or even slaves. It was made illegal, and anyone caught doing it was punished and any planet associated with it was put under surveillance. It was made illegal back about 40 years ago Earth standards. By Earth standards it is the year of 2050. By our time 3365. We have had many more years of time and experience.  

        Back in 2010 there was about 30000 women brought/abducted from Earth that were used as experiments and auctioned off. There had never been such a large number taken at once. Most of them were women from the street and the others were alone when it happened. The aliens that took them made it look like they had died although no bodies were found it was accepted. Some families looked for years. Some of these women died while being transported which was to the others 'an acceptable' loss. When most planets and their leaders found this out, they fought to pass laws to make this act punishable by death. It took many years and when the agreement was finally passed it was ruled the only way you could take humans was if it was by their choice. There were a few agencies that would check up on said humans to ensure their safety. These agencies have people at all the sites that humans are departing from. The department and agency are known as The Human Relations Alien Relocation Services. As they first arrive, they are checked over and made sure this is fully their choice and they are not being coerced. The Human Relations Alien Relocation Services or HRARS we need to get them an easier to say and use name.        

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