249 17 8

Oh, father, forgive me
For all my sins
When I meet your eyes
The Devil, he wins




Those three forbidden words stuck in my head 'I Love You' is all thats been replaying in my head all day and I don't know why

My head is all fuzzy I remember getting high and then laying on Iven falling asleep and dreaming about him saying 'I love you'...or at least I think it was a dream

My heart swells but hurts every time it pops up in my head I don't know what to say or what to think no guy has ever made me feel the way he has made me feel these past few weeks

What does being in love even feels like I mean I love people but I've never been in love or ever been remotely close to it

I think loving someone and being in love with someone is two different things for example I love my mother but I am in love with Iven...

Its an example I am not in love with Iven
...well...NO...I am not in love...or...nah...there is no way

What does being in love even feels like I mean I know I have feelings for him and they are strong feelings but like love...I don't know

"ugh" I groan getting up to sit criss cross apple sauce on my bed "What has you groaning and moaning" Iven walks in shutting the door causing my cheeks to heat up if only he knew he was the cause for my issues of this dark night

He takes his shoes off climbing onto the bed and he pulls me into a hug "Come on tell me what has you stressing" I bury my face into his neck inhaling his sweet but masculine scent

"Last night..." I drag out and he pulls me from his embrace now looking at me in the eyes his blue and brown ones staring into my dark brown ones

"What about last night?" He questions clueless "How do you know that you love me, I mean are you sure, I like you a lot and I have never been in love so I don't know what to tell you. When did you find out you loved me?" I ramble on until he shuts me up with a small kiss to the lips "Relax Nora take a deep breath" he then chuckles "One question at a time princess" I nod clearing my throat

"How do you know you love me" he pauses for a second then he pulls me back into a hug "I just get this feeling a feeling so intense that putting it into words wouldn't be enough to describe it. Seeing you happy is all I live for and when I'm not around you I feel suffocated your presence makes me happy I feel full and completed when I am around you" His answers makes my heart skip a beat...maybe a few beats

I am utterly speechless what do you even say to that "You don't have to tell me you love me yet take your time I'll be patient with you my love" I pull away and look into his beautiful eyes "I-I- I don't" I began to stutter and he shushes me "Don't feel pressured take as much time as you need Nora I don't want to force anything with us" I nod and mumble an "okay"

"are you hungry" he asks switching the subject since my stomach growled which reminds me I have been so engulfed in my thoughts I forgotten to eat I shake my head yes "Yeah I forgot to eat" he looks down at me "You can't keep doing that" he groans

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