Not What Was Expected

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Scarlett groaned as she adjusted herself in the dress she felt was too tight for anyone. Being in the hot desert air was not helping matters either. Waving the fan as Sam did most of the talking she just tried to keep herself out of the sun at the fancy party her fake husband had managed to get an invitation to. She had never heard of a patio party but she supposed the rich would take any occasion and make a party out of it, even building a fancy deck onto the back of an already large enough house. Keeping with what the other men were like, Scarlett was happy to see the plan was working.

Leaning against a tree for support, she closed her eyes and tried to enjoy the small breeze that would come by every few moments.

"I never understood why women suffer so much for fashion." she heard a male voice comment from beside her.

Turning her head, and blowing one of her red curls off her face she saw a tall man with chin length blonde hair, blonde scruff and not even looking her way as he took a sip of the drink he held in his hand.

"Isn't that all women are for? To be put on display and others to marvel at?" she retorted as she continued with her fan.

The man knew she made a fine point as he looked around the party. She saw his odd movement from his hand in his pocket gripping something tight, to the grip he held of the stem glassware in his hand. He was waiting for something.

"I can't say much on that note, I don't have a wife to put on display as you so politely put it. Though I believe a woman should be able to dictate what she wears and does." he replies as he nods his head, almost as if he was agreeing with his own comment.

"Really, most prefer barefoot and pregnant. Though the more money you have, the fancier the footwear may be." she challenged as she followed his gaze throughout the party.

"Perhaps, though not all men are alike just as all women are not alike. The father of the lady throwing this party is a true crook, killing farmers in the night and buying up their land. Do you support such people?" he asked and now turned right to face her, making direct eye contact.

Shaking her head, Scarlett felt the blood boil beneath her skin. This was the rumored home of her father's killer's daughter. Sam had got them here to see if they had any information on where the killer might be, however she now had a feeling something much bigger was at play.

"Never. I am a woman though, what would I know?" she asked with a shrug as she broke their gaze.

He grinned at her as he walked right up to her. She didn't fear him but did do a double take at him when she noticed he was invading her personal bubble and that did put her on edge.

"When I say so, hide behind that tree. It is about to get very messy." he warned her before gently guiding her behind the tree and gently pressing her against it before looking back out to the party.

"Are you trying to kill me or take me for ransom?" she asked as she looked up at him right in the eyes again.

"I wouldn't have moved you out of harm's way if I wanted you dead, ransom isn't worth it and takes too long. I just saved your life." he said as he looked down at her. "Name's Doc, what about you Red?"

"Scarlett." she replied before her head had time to stop her.

"Fits you, well Scarlett stay behind this tree and hope we don't hit your husband." he said as he took her hand and placed a light peck against her skin. "Hope to meet you under better circumstances one day."

With that she heard a gunshot go off and the man pulled out his own gun and walked forward. Swallowing, Scarlett lifted her dress but she only had a small dagger that would only do well to defend her own life not the lives of others.

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