The betray

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After that kiss, y/n felt like Max was totally changed in a better way and some rumors about them dating started circulating not only in the paddock but also media and paparazzi were following them during their dates. She has always been very shy and felt uncomfortable in front of the cameras, so Max protected her every time as a human shield for her or always found the perfect place to hide from them. She felt very protected every time he was around. Despite this, there was nothing more than kisses. Somehow, she felt like she couldn't make a step forward, she felt like something was stopping her, even if she was attracted to him. His gaze froze her every time she looked into his deep blue eyes and she loved it, but somehow it wasn't enough for her. He made her feel better, in many aspects of her life but when they were about to make something more, she stopped every time. Deep in her heart, she knew the reason why, but she was too afraid to admit it to herself. His blue eyes weren't as strong as someone else's; the passion flame wasn't enough red, and she knew it.

It was race weekend again and Y/n was strolling around the paddock chatting and laughing with Max, as always in that period. Paparazzi were following them and she was trying to pretend they weren't around, that was the suggestion Max gave her and it seemed to work.
"I loved the movie we saw last night, don't you think?" asked Max to y/n. His tone of voice was too loud, like he wanted to be heard by some people over there, in fact, they were passing by Ferrari boxes.
"Oh yes... I loved it too" y/n noticed his voice and tried to lower her own, to make him understand he was screaming, it was a bit embarrassing to her. As soon as they walked by Ferrari boxes, Carlos came up from a corner, fixing his black and shiny hair. He was distracted but for a second his gaze met y/n's. It was just a second but they were caught by surprise and their hearts beat fast. They looked at each other in silence. Neither of them said a word or waved at the other, not a shy smile. Nothing. But his eyes were too perfect for y/n, nothing could beat them.
"You okay y/n?" Max got y/n's attention. She looked at Max, smiled, and kept walking with him until they reached Red Bull boxes.

Y/n sat at her usual spot and started working on her laptop, losing track of time. Near lunchtime, she get up, her back was hurting so badly. She walked outside the paddock, searching for Max but a mechanic told her he was talking with her father in the office so she decided to wait for him outside Christian's office. She get closer to the door because she was curious to know if they were talking about the fact they were dating. She didn't say anything to her father but she believed Max would have one day or another.
"I think everything is going as planned, don't you think?" it was Christian's voice. She get even closer, her ear was on the door.
There was no answer to that question so Christian kept on talking "I mean we are winning every race"
"Yeah, I mean... we're good now" Max's voice was shy, almost whispering, like he wasn't that happy about what they were talking about.
"Don't tell me you are regretting everything. You agreed with it."
"No, yeah... I mean, I think this..."
"Making her fell in love with you was a great plan and it's going all that well as planned."

Y/n heard everything and run away from Red Bull boxes, she was furious and went straight to Carlos' box to tell him everything and try to fix this fucking mess. She arrived into his box out of breath and looked around but she didn't see anybody, most of the mechanics were eating for sure and the pilots were probably in the hospitality. She took a deep breath and with her Red Bull uniform climbed the stairs to go to the hospitality zone. Everybody was looking at her but she looked down until she reached the restaurant.
She took a look at the room and saw Charles eating a cupcake near the window. He was very concentrated to remove the cupcake holder but he looked up and saw y/n. He waved at her like he saw his best friend and get up coming closer to her, still holding his cupcake, of course.
"You are always in the wrong part of the paddock, don't you think?" he smiled and hugged her.
"I need to talk with Carlos, do you know where he is?" she was looking around all of the time.
"You okay? You seem like you just saw a ghost." he was worried about her, she looked pale but at the same time angry.
"Something like that" her voice was sharp and Charles almost felt involved.
"I don't know, I haven't seen him at the restaurant zone, try on his resting room, maybe he's changing, or something like that."
"Thank you, Charles, I'll leave you to your cupcake" y/n smiled for a second then she went down the stairs, looking around to find Carlos' restroom. She waited a couple of minutes in front of his door, while everybody glared at her. When from his resting room came out a blonde girl. Y/n have seen her but she didn't remember where or when. That girl looked at y/n for a second then she went away, leaving y/n alone and it was then that y/n realized who was that girl. She was Carlos' ex girlfriend, she was sure about it because she saw her last year cheering for Carlos under a podium.

Suddenly y/n couldn't breathe, everything was falling apart and she didn't know what to do. The only thing she was capable of thinking was to run away as fast as possible before Carlos came out of the resting room, probably shirtless or God knows what. She went straight to the Red Bull boxes and bumped into Carola who saw her and came closer.
"You okay, darling?"
"Yes... I mean... I don't know, where's Max?" she was very agitated.
"Oh he's over there, talking with a mechanic"
Y/n didn't let Carola finish the sentence and left away but Carola stopped her and y/n turned back.
"I'm sorry Carola, but I'm in a hurry, for real"
"I know! I just want you to know I'm here, whatever happens, okay? Now go." She turned y/n and looked at her going to Max. Carola felt like y/n needed a female figure in her life and even if she knew she couldn't compare to her mum, she would have done everything to make her feel safe and loved.

"Hey, babe, where have you been? I've been searching for you!"
"You call me babe? You bastard"
"I'm what? What are you talking about?"
"I'm not stupid, Max. I've heard what you and my father said about me."
Max's face turned white. He stopped breathing for a second.
"How dare you play with my feelings like this?!"
"Okay listen to me" he moved away from the mechanics and entered with y/n in his restroom. "at first there was a fucking stupid plan to make you concentrate on your work"
"...and you agreed with my father!"
"at first! But then I knew you for who you really are, I could open up with you, be the real me and I really like you, y/n. I wish this plan never existed, I swear."
Y/n looked at Max speechless, she would have hit him as hard as she could, set everything on fire and fuck everything around her. She took her stuff, right before the quali started and went to her hotel room, without telling to anyone.

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