The secret

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"You look tired, y/n. You okay?" whispered Charles sitting next to y/n on the meeting room. She was holding her head with the left hand, trying to stay awake and follow what Mattia was saying during the briefing at Ferrari factory. He was keeping on saying how good they were on quali days but they had to push more during the races. His voice was calm, slow and it made y/n more and more sleepy, to the point that she had to fight against her eyes in order to keep them opened. That was the most hard thing to do that morning for y/n.

"Yes, I am good" she shook a bit and wrote down some random words she could hear from Mattia's speech. She looked at Charles and he looked like he knew she was lying to him, like he knew exactly what had happened last night, during the gala night.

Y/n looked right in front of her. There was Carlos, sitting on the opposite side of the glass table. He was turned towards Mattia, like he was actually listening to him, but he wasn't. His gaze was totally lost, looking at an undefined point of the table. He was absolutely absentminded like that meeting wasn't about his career. While she was observing Carlos zooning out, he turned towards her, like he felt somebody looking at him. Their eyes met for a second, they smiled at each other, and both turned back into Mattia's direction. Y/n's heart was beating fast at that point, even if they decided it was just a physical affair, his eyes kept on leaving her breathless. The fact that the night before they had done things and that everything was absolutely secret made it even more exciting. Nobody in that room knew what happened between them last night except for Y/n and Carlos. They also decided not to tell it to Charles, that's why the night before, as soon as Charles drove Y/n to her apartment, Carlos went to her and spent the night together.  There was just one problem: their eyes spoke too loud for Charles not to notice it. 

Charles looked at this and just for a second he felt jealous of their secret. For the first time Y/n wasn't opening up with him for such a important thing and he felt excluded from Y/n's life. He wasn't against this affair but he wanted to protect Y/n from a possible heartbreak. He knew Carlos wouldn't let her suffer, but she was his best friend and he didn't want anything bad happening to her. 

"Charles, Carlos, Y/n and Riky, I want the four of you to work together in these days and try to figure out how to improve your performances during the races." Mattia's word came down as a thunder into Y/n, Charles and Carlos ears as they weren't paying attention to his speech. Poor Riky, he was the only one who was actually listening to Mattia. They all nodded and y/n looked at Charles who smiled a bit forced at her. One hour later, the meeting finally ended and Y/n felt so tired she needed a coffe to wake up.

"So?" Charles pressed Y/n as he wanted to know what happened last night.
"So?" asked back y/n.
"What happened last night?" Charles drank a sip of coffe
"Last night? Nothing" she drank her coffe as well. She was very nervous since she wasn't able to tell lies and Charles knew it very well. They looked at each other in silence, and Y/n begged for Charles not to ask further questions about last night, even if she knew he knew.
"Oh, okay... You know I am here for you" his eyes looking at her were saying more than words and y/n understood it. She smiled at him and hugged him.

She loved the way Charles understood her, even without words. He was the best friend she had never had, and the fact that he respected her silence was more important than anything else. He had always been delicate towards her and this made her feel safe, loved and supported no matter what she was doing, even if she was doing something wrong, he was next to her, as a family should, unlike her father.

"We have a lot of work to do" said Ricky coming from behind Charles and having a coffe as well.
"Yes Ricky, I think we can start today" Charles wanted to start improving his pace as soon as possible.
"But the work day is finished" y/n just wanted to come back home and sleep untill the next day.
"What about meeting for dinner at my place?" asked Carlos joining the conversation and looking at y/n. "We can start working tonight"
"I like it" said Ricky. Charles agreed too and y/n had to say yes.

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