Trailer 1

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Opens up to a dark prison cell and shows someone laying on a prison bed as voices ring over in his head

"When you are near my heart is at peace hurry home"

He turns over as the second one says

"Yes he's killed the Empress" gavel sounds "I'll see you beheaded for this Kyle"

He wakes up panting heavily then sits up and looks around he looks at the ground and watches a rat go by, then at his hand, as he hears a voice and looks up to see a figure standing outside his cell.

"My dear Kyle. What a sad hand fate has delt you, the beloved Empress dead and everyone thinks your the killer but we know what really happened don't we?... He disappears behind a wall then reappears next to him "you don't want to end your life to the sound of idiots cheering as your head hits the muck do you?... let's see if we can do better and to make things interesting.

He closes his hand into a fist as he feels it burn then he looks at it after the burning has stopped showing a mark on his hand

"My mark" he looks up and he's gone "consider it, a gift"

The scene opens up to Hell after an extermination as a alarm rings then over the intercom "hello people of Hell we are now under high alarm. Stay alert and report any suspicious person on sight. Attention all sinners by order of Lucifer himself all all contaminated buildings are strictly off limits"

Exterminators finish off the last of them then disappear. As everyone gets out from hiding slowly back to there tasks as a gang throws a molotov at a group of sinners as they watch them burn.

Then shows someone on a roof top looking down at them, then cuts to his view. He looks at his mask turning it over and outs it on then looks around and jumps to a lower roof and starts running jumping across gaps. Then he jumps on another room sliding down abit but gets up and climbs up to the edge and looks at where his target goes one of his guards looks up at where he is bur doesn't see him just birds fly past.

He keeps running then jumps and grabs onto a chimney then looks down at three guards, then looks up and sees one guard then gets into cover.

He's kneeld over him on the roof flipping his sword in hand he jumps down and stabs the guard in the shoulder forcing his body to the ground, he pulls out his sword then turns amd runs inside putting it away.

He walks down a hallway soon hearing some laughter walking up to the door he gets down and looks through the key hole and sees he target and one of his guard talking to him thr guard turns his head and sees the lense of his mask "you outside the door" he gets up and holds up his hand the mark starts to glow then he blows the door off it's hinges "what are you doin-" the guard trys to stab him but he's quick to pull our his sword block the attack at kick him to the wall slashing his throat the second guard comes up he slashes down on his helmet then punches up "stop him!" He stabs the guard through the stomach ad his target runs off, then pulls out the sword and runs after him "guards... guards!" A door starts closing but he runs quicker and pushes the door open seeing him and three guards "shoot that bastard" one holds up a sword the other two shoot, he waves his hand freezing time then picks up his crossbow and shoots the three guards then resumes time watching them drop the the ground as he walks up to his target grabbing his collar "listen killing me won't solve anything" he slits his throat and throws him to the floor watching him die he turns to the sound of foot steps and see more guards rush in and three get ready to shoot him, he turns and looks at the window holding up his fist moving rapidly out the window. He smashes out the window and falls to the ground, he rolls as he hits the ground and breaths heavily but turns to see two exterminators walk towards him weapons ready. He stands up and looks at the two his mark glows then holds up his hand aimed at them as they get ready to strike as it rains.

Thunder strikes.


Thunder strikes again.


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