Trailer 2

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Opens up to a grave slowly being put into the ground as it zooms in and goes black and a voice rings over as it slowly zooms into the city.

"What has happened years ago has again. Someone's pulled the rug out from under you, you at the side of a ruler and you lost it all"

Shows sinners with their guns held up ans shooting three people as the voice continues.

"Be honest. Did you really deserve any of it? More important... what would you do to get it back?"

Looking down at them, then looks up and starts running on the edge of a building then jumps across his hand and knee landing in a small puddle "careful. There's always a price to pay. What you decide will ripple across the years"

he runs climbs up and runs across a carage rail bridge then jumps and slides down the wall walking into an alley seeing a dead infested body "blood in the gutters and corruption on the wind" the voice speaks as blood flys fly out of nests and body's swarming around him as he keeps running "it'll be fun watching this unfold" he runs to an edge holding up his hand closing it into a fist and Blinks up grabbing the edge of a roof.

He climbs up and looks at a mansion in the distance holding something in his hand with the magnification lenses in his mask, he can look closer "what will you do with the power I've given you? How will you make your mark? On this retched world" gripping the handle he jumps down from the roof as it's still on the mansion.

Inside the mansion shows a man working on a device and slowly then quickly zooms out to another room then to a balcony and shows him climbing over the railing and opens the door watching as the room transforms to another around him. He picks up his crossbow and loads it with a bolt then holds it in his other hand as he holds up his hand and Blinks across the gap and shoots the inventor bit his mechanical soldier slashes the bolt in half then another walks up and stands in position the other getting up as well then the inventor speaks up "you cover your face but I know who you are" zooms up on him the switches to Kyle "Kyle Degan" Kyle's head tilted down abit looking right at him and the inventor speaks again "nothing is an accident everything is in motion" he gets up from his seat walking towards the doorway "all of it has led you to this exact second in time" he walks out as his two mechanical soldiers walk up to him, Kyle's quick to grab a grenade out and throw it at them freezing time and shoots the grenade destroying them and sends his into a wall landing on the floor he looks up. He slowly gets to his feet grabbing his sword as another mechanical soldier appears and is about to attack him, he doges going back spinning the handle as a blade folds out and blocks to of his attacks trying to get past but almost gets his face slashed off making him stumble back he's pants and times his move right.

Doing this

He then runs and vaults over the desk running through the doorway looking down seeing a winding staircase going down

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He then runs and vaults over the desk running through the doorway looking down seeing a winding staircase going down. He holds up his hand and Blinks down safely to the ground then looks up seeing the mechanical soldier jumping down.

He walks through the doorway attaching a stunmine to the wall and stops glancing behind him, the inventor nods.

Then this happens

Kyle stands up and starts walking as the inventor pulls a lever as the room begins to transform he runs holding his arms up and starts climbing through the changing walls like a shadow "think before you strike" the inventor gets scared and slowly ...

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Kyle stands up and starts walking as the inventor pulls a lever as the room begins to transform he runs holding his arms up and starts climbing through the changing walls like a shadow "think before you strike" the inventor gets scared and slowly backs up as Kyle gets closer "if you kill me you become the assassin we claimed you were" Kyle swipes ay his legs grabbing them holding him upside down "ah. You become one of us!" He yells as Kyle holds up his hand his indexe finger becomes sharp and thrusts it forwards into his head.


"the years are long" the Outsider crouches down and picks up a mask "but it's always good to see a fimialr face" he holds his Dylan's Owler mask.


Getting close just one last thing fellow readers

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