Chapter 2. Taken

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I was hiding in the woods from my father. He has sent his men to kill me if they saw me in his town. which sucked because I couldn't even use my mafia privileges on other wolves. Everybody knows I have been kinda disowned. My father hated subs, littles and pets, which is why even when both of them are caregivers they never got themselves a little.

A similar smell hit my nose, stay sharp, someone is around. I got alerted. I hide behind a tree and kept my eyes on the front. A hand was on my shoulder. I flinched and turned, I saw the girl who was in my house. I tried to run off, but she grabbed me by the collar and hit my head knocking me down.

I woke in an unfamiliar place. I was on a pink soft, fluffy bed with pink soft fluffy pillows. I rubbed my head and hissed. The whole room was pink, the wardrobe was pink, the walls were pink with cartoons drawn on them. My tie and waistcoat were on the side table. I took them and went towards the door. I opened it and the girl was standing there. She glanced at me and said with a poker face. "You're up," I pushed past her but her strong hands were able to hold me before I ran off. "Don't make me, tie you up" She warned.

I tried to push her away from me and growled "I am not scared of you!" She pushed me against the wall and I glared at her, struggling in her hold. She showed her fangs and I almost screamed. Can't believe he gave us to a vampire.

"I hope you're now," My breathing got heavier and I did the first thing that came into my mind, kicked her stomach, making her let go of me and ran off. I was running through the corridors and noticed there are lots of people here. Not sure how long I have been running but I am still struggling to find the exit of this area. This place is as big and as beautiful as a palace.

I stopped for a while to catch my breath and only then realized the people around me were staring at me. A woman came closer, cautiously and asked "What's wrong little one?" I shook my head and was leaving when another asked "I have never seen you here, are you new?"

"Tell me where the fucking exit is.." They looked at each other and then at me, one of them moving closer. "Who is your mommy?" We are going to get no help from them. run. My wolf said. I took a step back and bumped into some other woman. I sighed. Run where? I don't know the way.

"That one's mine, hold her," The woman from earlier was walking in our direction and I cursed under my breath. The women did as told and grabbed me but when I fought, they simply pushed me down to the ground. I groaned and said to my wolf. Take over they are too strong.

As you wish. I howled and moaned as my bones shifted, and my skin ripped apart. I'm never getting used to this feeling, it hurts so bad. The women were forced to let go off me. They stepped back and looked at me like I was some queer species to them. "What's happening to her,"

"She is a werewolf," The woman who brought me here said.

The third woman gasped. "Are you out of your mind? You brought a wolf in a place of vampires?" I finally transformed into my wolf and jumped on top of the woman that brought me here. I opened my mouth to bite her but she had a strong grip on my jaw. She looked at her friends and said "See, just a pup, harmless"

"She might be a pup but not harmless!" The woman exclaimed while I was busy carrying on my attempt to bite. "She's trying to bite you right now, she might try to bite the littles over here,"

I whimper, her grip was hurting now. She loosens her grip and pets me, commanding "Turn back into your human form, or else wolfsbane would be used" Should I? We are not that strong, I don't think we can take it My wolf asked. No way! I'll be naked. I responded. I mewled and slipped out of her hands and crawled towards my clothes.

She got the point and picked my clothes. She tried to pick me up as well but I didn't let her. I followed her to wherever she was taking me.

"Aww, look it's a puppy, " A girl chirped to the people beside her. Fucking bitch, we're no puppies. I averted my head from her touch and howled. "No, no, baby," The woman bent down and picked me up. "I have brought this puppy for you but it's very small right now, you'll play with it when it gets a little bigger, okay?" the girl nodded.

She snuggled me in and carried me to the same room. "Now, shift" she set me on the bed. No, not in front of her. I shook my head. "Why not?" I growled. Is she that stupid or just pretending? Wolf commented. I got under the covers and shifted into my human form.

"Turn around, I want to get dressed," She rolled her eyes. "Change in front of me, there's nothing to be ashamed of, you're a little puppy and a werewolf after all, should get used to others seeing you naked," I snarled and snatched my clothes from her hands. I got under the covers and wore my pants and shirt.

I pushed the covers away and sat on the bed, closing the upper button. "I hope you understand, why you're here and what I am to you" I shook my head and wore my waistcoat. "okay, let me tell you, I am your mommy and mistress since you're a pet as well," I frowned and wrapped the tie around my collar. "I don't remember giving you the right to be my caregiver and master"

"oh, but your father and alpha have,"

"he doesn't own me, I make my own decisions,"

She comes closer to me and puts her hand on my shoulder and bends down "Fine, you can leave but where would you go? Let me tell you this ain't your town, this town is filled with vampires, enemies of you and if you go back to your town, all the wolves are sitting on the edge to kill you, the choice is yours," I remained silent.

"Stay or leave" What should I do? I asked my wolf. I vote to stay. What no! "I'll give you Five seconds if you didn't decide,"

"...1" just say stay. No wolf think about it...

"2" There is nothing else left for us.

"3" We will have to be her slave and obey her orders.

"4" We will just stay no need to obey her. She has a point.

"5, so?"

I clenched "Stay..."

"Good girl," she patted my head and smirked.

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