Chapter 42. Pets items shopping

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Ruby's Pov

Eliza and I learned a lot about pet regression and turns out it isn't very different from age regression. The trainer told us we're fully capable of handling a pet and explained what puppy regressors likes and what helps them slip. A week and we'd make perfect handlers.

I entered Eliza's room in search of Aiden and saw her, ready for a nap, laying in Eliza's lap while she read a book. As I stepped closer, I noticed a dark stain growing around Eliza's chest. "Eliza, you're leaking," I informed.

She looked down "Oh, can you please pass me my pumper?" I nodded. "Where is it?"

"In the closet, in a black colored bag," She said. I went and opened the closet and immediately a black bag caught my eye. I unzipped it and saw a bunch of baby bottles, pacifiers and pumpers.

I pick it up and brought it to her. I slowly pulled the half-asleep baby into my lap while giving Eliza the privacy to pump. "Harper is still here right?" She asked after she was done.

"I suppose, she is, I saw her with Angel a while ago,"

"I think I should go and give this to her," She said. "Wait, why don't you give it to Aiden?" She shook her head. "She will throw a fit when she wakes up,"

"She'll start one day, why not give it a try today?" She shrugged. "Aiden, baby," I shook her gently. She hummed her eyes still closed.

"I need you to be up," she stirred up and her eyes flattered but remained closed. "I'm..." she mumbled.

"Do you want this?" Eliza asked as she brought the bottle in front of her eyes. Her eyes opened and stared at it for a brief moment before shutting again.

"Do you?" Eliza asked, ruffling Aiden's hair who buried her face into my lap. "Okay, that was a no," She told me. "I'll go and give it to-"

She jumped up and said "Want it," And immediately her neck, ears and cheeks turned red as she felt our flabbergasted eyes on her.

"Yeah, lay down" I pulled down and tucked Aiden into the bed. Eliza rested her back against the headboard, holding the bottle at Aiden's lips waiting for her to take it in.

Aiden had her eyes stuck down when she took the bottle in. "Such a good girl," Eliza cooed, her eyes closed softly, not with embarrassment or shyness but with calmness and soothingness on her face.

I patted her back, rubbing it occasionally. She sucked and drank from the bottle, falling asleep before it finished. When the bottle become empty, Eliza pulled it out of her mouth.

"That turned out good," Eliza whispered getting off the bed. "Yeah, it did, if she is in a good mood, we can talk to her about breastfeeding as well," I suggested.

"No, we should let her bring up that when she's ready," She argued.

I hummed in agreement and she grabbed the laptop from the table and brought it to the bed along with her. "I found this app where we can buy pet stuff,"

We've started learning about pet regression so she might need them soon. "So, I'll take out the list of things the trainer said we'd need for her,"

"Puppy toys," I clicked the search engine and searched for puppy toys and ended up selecting some chew toys and balls. "Leashes and collars," I scrolled into that section and selected more than one as we couldn't decide.

We scrolled through page after page and chatted as we added more items to our virtual shopping carts. "Aww, this would look cute on her," I pointed to a puppy hat while we were searching for ears.

I knew Aiden wasn't very interested and didn't care but we still wanted to make sure we were getting her the best possible ones.

I got distracted when I felt something digging into my stomach. I glanced down and saw Aiden's one hand was clutching my shirt and the other was clutching the comforters.

Eliza scratched Aiden's scalp which caused a whine to leave her mouth and her grip tightening.

"Aiden," I hissed. Eliza loosened her grips and pulled her on top of her body. She rubbed her back while whispering soothing words into her ear. Her tensed muscle and facial expressions eased.

"She's still having nightmares, I thought we had erased the fear from her," I pointed out. "I can see that,"

"Do you think it's because she thinks we're going to hit her because Angel told us to?" I asked. She shook her head "I don't think so, we made it pretty clear that was not the case, she isn't an overthinker, it might be the little monster she talked about,"

"Or Claire but we've dealt with her....once and for all she can't cause an issue,"

"But we can't tell her we killed Claire, she'll be furious,"

"Let's get this done first," We looked over at our chart and added and changed a few things. We had our carts full and finalized before we checked out.

Eliza scratched her head and whispered "Sweetheart, time to wake up" She lifted her body off Eliza and rolled to the side before stretching her muscles.

She opened her eyes and a small smile appeared on her lips as she mumbled in a raspy voice "Hey..."

I chuckled and kissed her. "Hello," I whispered. "why are you so smiley?" Eliza asked.

Her smile grew as she shook her head sheepishly. We looked at each other in confusion but let it go.

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