Episode 6

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*It's three days later*

*All of the girls washed up then got dressed so they can go out to eat*

*They got into the jeeps and drove off*

{Black Jeep}

Shawna: This house has been pretty divided lately, I can tell that Bella is on their side.

Titi: Yeah she is, let her weak ass be one of them.

Steph: She joined the wrong side, I let her slide for a couple days to keep some peace but ima call her ass out at lunch.

Shawna: Just please don't do anything to get sent home.

Steph: If she gets smart with me I might have to, I don't think she will though unless they both got into her head.

{White Jeep}

Bri: So how are you liking the house so far?

Bella: It's been pretty calm or whatever, I did sense that the other girls don't wanna talk to me though, for whatever reason.

Bri: Don't worry about them weak ass bitches, they just want a problem.

Bella: Yeah, I know. But i'm not having shit from them.

*Both of the Jeeps arrived at the restaurant, all of the girls got out and walked inside and sat down*

*They ordered their food and drinks and began waiting, it arrived 15 minutes later and they started to eat*

*Lunch was awkward and quiet half of the time*

Steph: So, I just wanted to speak about something. Bella, I feel like the other day when all that shit popped off in the limo you were instigating and being a fake ass bitch. I'm sorry but I'm a real ass bitch and ima tell it how it is, like you most definitely started that whole drama, you're a snake.

Bella Intv- Steph decided to call me out at lunch, but i'm not gonna have that. She got me fucked up.

Bella: Girl you don't even know me and you're calling me fake and a snake.

Steph: I know what I've seen, and so far I've seen a fake ass bitch stirring up some drama. You're how old? Like grow the fuck up.

Bella: First off bitch, watch your mouth when you're talking about me or talking to me.

Steph: No bitch, you watch your mouth

*Bella picked her drink up and threw it in Steph face*

Bella: Watch that!

*Steph stood up and ran around the table, she punched Bella in the face*

*Bella stood up and swung back on Steph popping her in the lip*

Titi: Stop it guys!

*Steph snatched Bella by her hair and threw fast hits at her face, while Bella threw hits that landed on top of Steph's head and on her chest*

*Titi stood and tried to pull them both apart, Val stood and helped also and pulled them both apart*

Steph: Throw something else, you gonna get whooped again!

Shawna intv- We can't even have lunch in peace without fighting, like this is so embarrassing. we're in the middle of a restaurant and everyone is staring at us too, like damn.

Bella: Bitch you didn't even whoop me!

*Titi brings Steph outside*

Titi: Why did you pop off on her in a public space? You should be able to control yourself while we're out.

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