Episode 8

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*Its the last day*

*All of the girls were in their rooms packing up their belongings*

Shawna: I'm really gonna miss you girls a lot, especially you Titi.

Titi: I'm gonna miss you too, this experience was the best time ever for me.

Shawna: Yeah, me too.

Titi: But I can't wait to go back home and see my family and friends.

Shawna: We should do a confessional together.

Titi: Let's go.

*They both walk to the confessional and sit*

Titi: This is one of my favorite bitches right here and I'm glad I met her, I'm gonna miss waking up seeing her laying next to me, The same for Nya and Steph, I miss those two bitches like crazy and I can't wait to see them again.

Shawna: I'm gonna miss you too. you, Nya, and Steph will always be my favorites, I had an amazing time with you girls, and I can't wait for us to hang out after this.

*Titi & Shawna hugged each other tight*

*Its about 15 minutes later*

*All of the girls are downstairs in the living room with their stuff packed and waiting to leave*

*The phone rings, Sam stood and answered it*

Sam: Hello?

Driver: Send Sam and Farrah out.

Sam: Okay.

*She hung up the phone and returned to them*

Sam: It's me and Farrah.

Titi: Okay.

*All of the girls stood and hugged them*

*They dragged their stuff to the car and put it inside then got inside*

{Sam & Farrah outro}

Sam: It sucks that we had only a week in the house but I had an amazing time and I wish that we came in earlier cause things would have been different, and we most definitely would have been running that shit.

Farrah: Facts *laughs* but I'm glad we got along with everyone, I wish we came here earlier but I think these girls might be longtime friends, I don't know just yet. I had an amazing time, I'm glad we got to experience this.

Sam: I'll see you girls at the reunion!

*The van drives off*

Titi: We've been through a lot, this house is fucking crazy *laughs*

Bri: Yeah it is, but at least four of us originals made it to the end.

*The phone rings, Titi stood and answered*

Titi: Hello?

Driver: Send Val out please.

Titi: Okay, thank you.

*Titi hung up the phone and joined the girls*

Titi: Val, it's you.

Val: Ugh.

*Bri started to cry*

Val: Don't start that crying shit because you're gonna make me cry *laughs*

*Val hugged Bri tight*

Val: You take care of yourself.

Bri: Of course, I love you sis.

Val: I love you too.

*Val dapped Shawna and Titi up*

Val: We ain't on that level yet *laughs*

Titi: Of course, I understand.

*Val grabbed her bags and brought it out to the van, she put her stuff inside then got in*

Val Outro: This experience was literally so amazing, I'm glad I met some of these bitches and I can't wait to hang with some of them after this. I came here and stayed true to who I was, I didn't let not one bitch run me *shows her fighting* I'm a real bad bitch. I'm happy that i'm going back home though, i'll see these girls another time.

*The van drove off*

*A few minutes later the phone rings again, Bri stood and answered it*

Driver: Send Shawna out please.

Bri: Okay.

*She walks back into the living room*

Bri: Shawna, it's you.

*Shawna stood, she hugged Titi tight*

Shawna: I'm gonna miss you a lot.

Titi: I'm gonna miss you too.

Shawna: And later to you too.

*Shawna dapped Bri up*

Bri: Later.

*Shawna grabbed her things and brought it to the van, put the stuff inside, then got in*

Shawna Outro: My time living here was pretty chill, well 80% of the time it was chill *laughs* I didn't really wanna be in any drama or fights, but hey, you can't change shit. At the end of the day I'm glad I met a couple good friends and I can't wait to hang with these hoes again. See you bitches real soon!

*The van drives off*

*The phone rings and Bri answers*

Driver: Send Bri out.

Bri: Okay.

*Bri left the room*

Bri: It's me

Titi: Me and you had some rough times but I'm glad we can move past it.

Bri: *laughs* yeah, we've been through a lot but at least we're on good terms now.

Titi: Yeah, well I'll see you soon.

*They dapped each other up*

*Bri grabbed her things and left the house, she put her stuff into the Van and got inside*

Bri Outro: I really loved my time being here and I don't regret not a damn thing, if I could do it all over again then I would. Living in this house was different, it's a once in a lifetime experience and I'm glad I got to experience it with all of these girls, even the ones I didn't get along with. I had a blast, I even smacked me a couple of bitches *laughs* and now i'm going back to my lovely home. See you girls soon!

*The van drove off*

*Five minutes later the phone began to ring, Titi grabbed her bags*

Titi: The baddest bitch is out!

*She brought her bags outside and put them into the van then got inside*

Titi Outro: I did what I had to do, showed bitches not to fuck with me cause i'm not the one, and I showed out for my city. I had a ball with all of my bitches and I wish we had more time in this house, but all good things must come to an end. I can't wait to see these girls in a few months, but for now i'll see all of you later!

*The van drove off*

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