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"Oh no, no. Don't get up. We've got it." Jane says as she and Alexis are trying to move a desk while Tarzan is reading a book.

"Okay. Jane how many men like me are there?" Tarzan asks.

"Well there are millions of men Tarzan but none quite like you." Jane says as she and Alexis continue pushing the desk with no luck.

"Are there as many women?" Tarzan asks as he jumps down beside Alexis and Jane.

"Yes Tarzan." Alexis says.

"Would you mind?" Jane asks.

"Oh sorry." Tarzan says as he pushes the desk with ease to the other side of the room.

"Oh. Nicely done. Thank you. Anyway yes there are just as many women as there are men." Jane says.

"Jane is the best." Tarzan says much to Jane delight.

"I suppose I fall in the middle somewhere." Jane says happily.

"No Jane is the best." Tarzan says.

"Considering you've met so few women how can you be so sure?" Jane ask as she smiles at Tarzan.

"I'm sure." Tarzan says happily as he smiles.

"Oh sir you are wonderfully stubborn." Jane says before the group hears Tantor outside before Tarzan and Jane rush outside.

"Hey wait for me! What's going on?" Alexis asks as she shifts to wolf form and runs outside to where the others are.

"We need to find Daddy. He's missing." Jane says as she holds up the Professor's hat.


"Did you find something Tarzan?" Alexis asks as the group sees Tarzan bring over the Professor's book where he was last at.

"Someone took him." Tarzan says.

"Well the news just gets better and better doesn't it?" Jane asks sadly.

"He's still alive Jane. And I promise you I'll find him." Tarzan says as he attempts to comfort Jane.


"Are we there yet?" Terk asks as the group is climbing a rock wall.

"We're not there until we find the Professor." Tarzans says as he is climbing while carrying Jane.

"I hope we find him soon." Alexis says.

"Where are we anyway?" Tantor asks.

"Tarzan?" Jane asks.

"I don't know. I've never been to thud valley before. But I think we're there." Tarzan says as the group sees a city in the distance as they finish climbing to the top.

"Oh my." Jane says.

"It's beautiful." Alexis says.

"Get a load of that!" Terk says.

"What? Oh it's horrible! It's gastly! It's kinda pretty." Tantor says as Terk pulls him up so he can see the city.

"A city?" Tarzan asks.

"Well I'd say so. But what's it doing here?" Jane asks curiously.

"Listen." Tarzan says as the group hears a strange sound.

"Oh I do not like the sound of whatever that is." Alexis says as she listens to the sound.

"Come on." Tarzan says as the group heads toward the city.


"Professor!" Tarzan shouts as the group finds the Professor strapped to a table about to be cut in half by a beam while surrounded by leopard men.

"Come on Jane." Alexis says as she and Jane run over to the Professor while the others begin fighting the leopard men.

"Jane, Alexis! Oh these fellows are neither man nor leopard. What are they? Where did they come from? What sort of evolution caused them?" Professor Porter asks.

"Another time Professor." Alexis says as she and Jane work to free the Professor.

"I hate to interrupt dears but we seem to be running short on time." Professor Porter says before Jane uses a knife to reflect the beam onto the shackles and frees him before the group tries to run only for a white haired woman to appear and block the entrance.

"Allow me to apologize. Sometimes these leopard men can get so out of hand." The woman says as she gestures to the leopard men.

"Out of hand? They stole my daddy and what's more they nearly cut him in half!" Jane says angrily.

"They find something in the jungle they just have to sacrifice it." The woman says.

"Well all parts in tact so no harm done miss uh you know I didn't actually quite catch your name." Professor Porter says as he goes up to the woman.

"I am La. Queen La." The woman says.

"La? Oh yes like the note." Professor Porter says.

"And who is this who fights with the strength of ten lions?" La asks as she goes over to Tarzan.

"My name is Tarzan." Tarzan says.

"And I'm Tarzan's wife. Jane Port-" Jane then gets cut off by La.

"Tarzan? You must stay as a royal guest of Opar." La says as she smiles at Tarzan as Alexis looks at her curiously.

"What's Opar?" Tarzan asks.

I See You The Legend Of Tarzan: Queen La X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now