Truth Of Queen La

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"There you are La. Hey where's the others?" Alexis asks as she finds La by a tree.

"Oh Tarzan went to check on Jane a bit ago after we got back. I'm afraid you just missed him... unfortunately." La says annoyedly.

"Well could I still join you for the hike?" Alexis asks.

"You really want to join me?" La asks in surprise.

"Well you did offer and I'd like to see more of your city if that's alright." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Hmm. It's alright. Come." La says as she takes off in the trees before Alexis shifts to wolf form and keeps up with her on foot.

"You're quick. Never met a person besides Tarzan who could keep up with me on paw." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Yes. Tarzan is a magnificent specimen isn't he? Come on dear. This way." La says before Alexis stops seeing La grab a vine.

"Oh um..." Alexis says nervously as she shifts to human form.

"Don't tell me you're afraid of a little vine swinging. And I thought differently about you." La says as she gives a disappointed look.

"No. I'm not afraid. I just don't know how." Alexis says.

"Well then grab my hand and hold on. I can teach you how if you let me. Do you trust me?" La says as she holds her hand out.

"Yes." Alexis says before she cautiously takes it.

"Hold on now dear." La says as she takes off with Alexis on a vine.

"Whoa." Alexis says in alarm as she holds on.

"Good now hold onto this vine and watch me." La says as she switches to another vine.

"Oh my goodness." Alexis says worriedly as she switches to another vine.

"You're getting it dear. Follow me." La says before she and Alexis arrive at the springs.

"This is beautiful La. I mean Queen La." Alexis says as she looks at the springs.

"It's alright. You can call me La. It is beautiful. The view is nice too. You really do love it here don't you?" La asks.

"Yes. I'd stay here forever if I could. It's stunning." Alexis says.

"Really?" La asks in surprise.

"Yes. But..." Alexis says as she looks down.

"But what?" La asks.

"I can't stay here. We'll be leaving soon." Alexis says.

"What a pity. You do seem to enjoy yourself. You are really different from others. Such a shame I can't get to know more about you." La says as she smiles at Alexis.

"I'm sure this won't be the first time we'll meet La. Perhaps another visit another time." Alexis says.

"Yes. Another time." La says.

"Jane!" Alexis shouts as she hears Jane scream and runs toward the sound.


"What happened!? Where's my sister?" Alexis asks as she runs over to the others on a bridge by a waterfall.

"Alexis I'm sorry." Professor Porter says.

"Oh Tarzan I'm sorry. The poor girl must of slipped." La says sadly.

"Jane." Tarzan says.

"Oh Jane." Professor Porter says.

"Jane didn't slip. She was pushed." Tarzan says as he looks at the others.

"You know how out of hand these leopard men can get. Remember the temple?" La asks as she backs away.

"La what did you do?" Alexis asks in disbelief.

"They do what you tell them!" Tarzan shouts as she tries to attack La only to get tackled by leopard men as the group is quickly captured.

"She's all wrong for you anyway Tarzan. She could never understand you like I do. You and I are the same. Part human. Part beast!" La says as she goes over to a captured Tarzan.

"You are nothing like Tarzan. And I will never join you." Tarzan says angrily.

"Do not test me Tarzan! Queen La always gets what she wants and what she wants is you." La says as she knocks the group out.

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