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/before ep. 1/
I run down the streets of our town, I was running from the police. Bloody JJ had gotten us caught again, we were just taking a shortcut to the shops when he tripped and screamed which caught the cops attention because, how convenient they were on their lunch break just around the corner.
I don't know where the others have gone but I can't see any of them.
I turn my head around to look behind me, the cops aren't following me. I'm about to stop running when BAM, straight into someone. They grab my arm before I hit the ground.
"Thanks" I look up to see none other than rich boy Rafe. "Oh it's you."
"Me?" He asks letting go of my arm.
"Yeah you, Rafe Cameron." I say.
"How'd you know who I am?" He asks as if he's investigating me.
"Oh I dunno, Rafe the golden boy, the Rich kid. Daddy bought me this, daddy bought me that." Rafe rolls his eyes at this. "Anyway I've gotta go. Bye." I shove past him then walk away.
"See ya Y/n!" He yells after me, I turn around and look at him with confusion. How'd he know my name?

"Thanks JJ." I say sarcastically as I walk into John b's house, everyone's sitting in the outside part.
"Oh come on Y/n me screaming had nothing to do with the cops showing up." JJ responds shrugging.
"Oh nah definitely not because they weren't chasing me for a fair bit were they."
"That's just because you ran the wrong way." He laughs.
"I ran the wrong way? You mean the quicker way."
"The quicker way for the cops sure." We both laugh and sit down next to him.


I was walking around a shop thinking of a way to buy alcohol without an id when all of a sudden Rafes standing near me. That's it! Rafes 19, I think.
"Hey!" I say to him, he turns to me and smiles.
"How old are you?" There was no point in trying to hide what I was trying to do.
"Um 19. Why?" He laughs.
"Can you do me a favour? Please." I smile awkwardly at him.
"Depends. What is it and will it benefit me?"
"Well your benefit would be being able to have this amazing conversation with me." He raises and eyebrow as if telling me to go on. "Can you buy me some alcohol please?"
"Wait how old are you? Aren't you 18?" Rafe asks looking slightly confused.
"No, I'm 16. Like I just turned 16 a few months ago."
"Oohhh." He looks a bit shocked. "Um sure why not."
"Yes thank you!"
"Yeah it's alright." He smiles at me and I can't help but smile back.

"And she's returned! With alcohol!" I exclaim as I enter back into John b's house.
"Yes! Thank you!" They all say in happiness.
"How'd you do it?" Pope asks.
"I......have my ways." I grin.
"Works for me." JJ shrugs then grabs a beer.
I sit on the lounge and for some reason I start to
think about Rafe. Rafe Cameron? I'm thinking of him in a good way. A well who cares.


"Do you guys wanna come to the beach with me?" I ask all my friends.
"It's raining Y/n. No." Was Kies response.
"Homework." Was pope's excuse
"I'm tired." John b whined.
"The surfs shit."
"I was just gonna go swimming but alright then. If I drown it's your guys fault." I roll my eyes then start walking to the beach. It doesn't take me too long to walk to the beach and when I get there I spot the one and only Rafe Cameron.
"Are you stalking me or something!?" I yell out to him as I walk towards him.
"I could ask you the same thing." He says when I get to him. "Well are we swimming?"
"No I came here to sun bake in the rain. Of course we're swimming, hurry up!" I say as I run to the water.

We dive under waves and splash each other, we swim, we talk, we laugh. I'm not sure how long we've been here but the sun is starting to set.
"So Rafe, why aren't you here with a kook girl? Or your friends?" I ask him.
"I felt like swimming and to be honest my friends don't really like swimming and the 'kook girls' aren't exactly too much fun. They're kinda always just like 'oh my god my nail' 'oh my god your so hooottt' 'oh my god oh my god' that's all they bloody say." I laugh at the high pitched voice he did when saying what the kooks always apparently say. "Anyway, why are you here alone? Why isn't JJ or Kiara here with you?" He asks.
"They didn't want to."
"No! Who wouldn't wanna go swimming with you?" He says pretending like it's a big deal.
"I know right! Like how could they!" We burst out laughing. I don't know why but as we're laughing he puts his hand in mine, I stop laughing and look him in the eyes. We don't say anything, we just look into each other's eyes, he puts his other hand on my waist, it's kinda like he's holding me. I put my other hand around the back of his neck, not even a second after I've placed my hand there he pulls me in and his lips hit mine with the most passion I've ever felt, I kiss him back. The kiss feels so good and so bad at the same time, I mean there's no law against a pouge dating a kook but it's just weird.
We break the kiss when a wave crashes into us. I lean against his chest.
"I should probably get back to my friends." I whisper.
"Same." He says. I wasn't really sure what else to say, thank you? That was nice? "Was that even legal?" He asks.
"What?" I ask shocked. "There's no written law against kooks and-
"No, I mean. You're 16 and I'm 19. You're not an adult yet."
"Oh. Ah well it doesn't matter. It's not like it was against my consent, you know?"
"Yeah." He nods. "So, I'm a good kisser?" He laughs. I push away from him and hit him on the arm.
"Really Rafe? That's your first question?"
"Basically yeah." He laughs.
"Yes you're a good kisser." I nod. "Anyway I seriously have to go sorry." I say and swim in. I dry my self off then put my shorts back on.

"Heyyyyyyyy! You were gone awhile." JJ says when I walk back inside.
"Yeah guess I was." I nod.
"Yeah Y/n what'd you do? Walk around the whole island?" John b laughs.
"Ha ha. But no, I was at the beach the whole time." They all kinda give me a funny look as if they don't believe me. "Pinky Promise." I shrug. They all shrug or roll they're eyes then go back to what they were doing.
"Anyway...... does anyone wanna drive me home?" I smile awkwardly at them.
"Can't you walk?" Kie complains
"It's fine I'll drive you." JJ smiles then gets up.
"Here." John b chucks him the keys to his van.
"Thanks." He nods then we walk out to John b's car.

We've not been driving for 3 minutes when JJ asks.
"Can I stay at yours tonight please?"
"Hm?" I wasn't really listening I was thinking about what happened at the beach. "Oh yeah sure" I agree after what he had said registered in my brain.
"Thanks Y/n, appreciate it."
"Yeah that's all good, anytime you need JJ." I smile at him and he smiles back. "Shit JJ watch the road" he quickly swerves back onto the road. JJs been my best friend since grade 4 as has John b but I've always been closer with JJ for some reason.

We pull up to my house which is a pretty good one considering we live in the cut, I get out of the van and thank JJ.
"I'll be back I'm just gonna drive John bs van back then I'll walk back." He says before driving away.
"Alright cool see you soon." I nod then go inside.

I climb the 4 stairs that go to my bed room then get ready for bed. I go to check the time on my phone but I hear a knock on my window, I put my phone down and walk over to see who it is.
"Rafe?" I ask shocked "How do you know where I live?"
"I have my sources." He smirks.
"Why are you here anyway?"
"Well I needed to know-
"Sh shhh sh" I cut him off. "JJ's here, you gotta go. We can talk another time I promise."
"Yeah that's fine."
"Oh Rafe before you go" I pull him close to me and put my lips on his. The kiss is short but beautiful, I pull away and look at him in the eyes.
"You really have to go now."
"Right bye." He says then he's gone.
"Why are you at your window?" JJ asks walking into my room.
"Fresh air."
"Right." He nods then shrugs.

I go to bed that night with JJ lying next to me and my mind full of Rafe, this was exciting and kinda making me nervous.

God I am so sry for how long this chapter is! It's just cause it was kinda the intro, hope you liked it though. Also let's just pretend the legal drinking age in America is 18 like it is in Australia.
Pls vote :)

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