✿ Chapter29 ✿

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"Bye Rafe." I say getting out of the car and kissing his cheek.
"That was nice, before, that kiss." He smirks at me before I close the door.
"Yeah well it won't be happening again any time soon." I laugh shutting the door.

I walk the last few blocks back to my house and just as I unlock the front door John B pulls up.
"Where were you?" He asks as he gets out of the car.
"Why is your location off?" JJ asks, slamming the door of the van.
"Watch the doors man." John b whispers.
"I was at work." I shrug.
"No you weren't, we were just there. Plus, why would you go to work in a bikini top and shorts?"
"Well I was at work. Then I went to the beach." I say not completely lying.
"You know what we'll talk about it later, just come on." John b says, sick of our arguing which is only just starting.
"Jeez what are you my parent? I don't see why it matters if you know where I am or not!"
"Just come on!"
"I needa change." I say, motioning to myself.
"Nope." JJ says grabbing my hand and pulling into the Twinkie. I yank my hand out of his and walk to the Twinkie myself.

"So what's going on?" I ask them.
"Nup, not telling. You shoulda turned your location on."
"You guys are such overreacters." I say leaning back in my seat.

We pull up onto the dock and then get on Pope's boat, Kie and Pope are there waiting for us. Me and Kie weren't exactly on good terms right now but I'm pretty sure we're both just ignoring it, or each other.
"You sit there, Kie you sit there." John b instructs.
"What are we four year olds?" I ask sitting down at the end of the boat where I was told too.
"You been acting like it." Pope mumbles.
JJ comes and sits next to me.
"Hey." He nods.
"Don't JJ, no."
"I didn't even do anything!" He complains, throwing his hands into the air.
"Yes you did hun. Getting mad at me for not having my location on? What the fuck is that about? Oh and not letting me get changed out of my swimmers? It's like I'm a bloody child and you, John b and Pope are my supervisors. Having to watch me and know where I am at all times. I'm bloody sick of it!"
"Well we care about your well being Y/n. We're looking out for you."
"Trust you to sound like a parent when all I want is a friend." I roll my eyes and move over, away from him.
"We're not kids anymore JJ, especially not me. As soon as we get that gold I'm getting a car and leaving the obx. Going as far away as possible, even if I have to drive there myself. Feel free to visit but trust me I won't be the one visiting you."
"Be like then. I don't care! It's not like you've always been me there for me and I'm just trying to return the favour!" I don't answer him, I just turn away. "Ignore me then! Don't think that I'll come running back and apologising for something I didn't cause."
"Trust me you will." I mumble.
"I won't!"
"If you care so much about not doing so then clearly you will." I shrug.
"Oh fuck off!"
"JJ shut up!" Pope yells at him. JJ makes a face at me then turns to face the other way. He could get up and walk away but no, he stays near me in case I decide to talk to him. Just like when we were kids.

"So what's happened?" Kie asks as we hop onto John B's boat which is stranded in the middle of the marsh.
"The alternators not alternating." JJ answers. Clearly lying, maybe not as clear to Kie but to me it's crystal.
"It's not charged." John b adds.
"Have you checked the plugs?" She asks looking up at the boys.
"No, no yeah you should check em." Kie walks over to do so. I turn to John b and JJ.
"So that's the big plan hey? Trap them two here?" I ask referring to Sarah and Kie. John b smirks at JJ.
"That was the plan yeah." He shrugs.
"But then we decided to trap all three of ya." JJ answers shoving me as hard as he can into Kie, making us both fall over. I get up as fast as I can but they're all ready backing away.
"Oh fuck yous!" I yell at them. Sarah comes outta nowhere and jumps into the water trying to swim after them.
"Ow!" She screams. Jellyfish sting, the stinging creature slowly bobs away as Sarah swims back to us.
I flip the boys off then walk to the front of the boat and scream. I can't do this right now! I pull out my phone and contemplate calling Rafe, I want to but I also don't want the two girls to know because they'll tell the boys.

"You right Y/n?" Kie asks.
"Yeah fine." What if I swam off the boat and got Rafe to pick me up from there? That could work. I can't risk it.
"Come on." She says, an awkward smile on her face. "I need help finding JJ's weed stash."
"Yeah I got you. I know where that is." I nod, walking into the helm, opening a little compartment and putting my hand in as far as it can go. And right at the back I feel the familiar metal box.
"Here." I say passing it too her.
"Thanks." She smiles.  

"Come on Y/n. Sit with us." Sarah says as she smokes a joint. I have a feeling this is her first time smoking weed.
"I'm good hun." I say as I put a joint in between my lips.
"No Y/n please. Just sit."
I roll my eyes and sit down in between the two girls.

Damn, bit of arguing aye? Also sry for not updating for ages, school has just been a little hard lately, but I'm back now!
Pls vote :)

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