Chapter 13

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Light so bright that I had to squint my eyes before having to shut them completely.
Waiting for my pupils to adjust after being in the dark so long. Pressing the heels of my hands against my shut lids rubbing around in circles as if I had just woken up from a long rest.
The first thing I saw when I tried to open my eyes was a couch. Coffee brown, suede looking, a small wooden table in front. There was a flat screen tv against the wall sitting on a wooden shelf. No time to see what was on them as the wall from the hallway blocked my view.
Doors, four of them along the short walkway, all closed and painted white like the walls.
Trying to guess what each one led to before you stopped at the first one that we came up on. Maneuvering my body so that you could turn the knob, kicking the door open. As soon as we were through you stopped again flipping the switch, turning on the lights.
A sink, toilet, shower tub combo, a normal bathroom but something was missing.
Scanning the small space.
No mirror.
Did you remove the glass piece or did something happen? Did the reflective sheet break and you never got around to hanging a new one or was the mirror gone because it could break, could be used as a weapon?
The wall was eerily bare without the reflective surface making the room even smaller. Though I was kind of relieved. Not having to look at myself like this, dirty, hair in knots, in your arms.
A shower curtain hung from the rod, cloudy and clear. One that was meant to be paired with another that actually concealed people from being seen.
Was that on purpose?
Sliding the curtain over as you set me down inside, leaning against the wall for support not having that great of balance with my feet tied together.
Fingers twitching on the buttons of my shirt knowing that you were about to see me naked, again.
Raising my head from where I had been looking at my feet, finding that you weren't watching me at all. Your back was to me.
That was nice for now until you decided to turn around.
Deciding on not undoing the buttons at all, crossing my arms, lifting the shirt up and over my head leaving my body bare as I dropped the smelly fabric onto the tile floor, hands going to cover my chest.
Sliding the curtain shut, putting a layer between you and me, bending down, turning the knobs making sure to focus on the hot water option.
Sliding the middle knob up, switching the direction of the water, making the liquid shoot out of the shower head instead.
At first I was covered in water that was like ice, shaking my system as the cold liquid sprayed against my skin. Standing there a minute before the water finally turned warm feeling the pressure on my chest. Leaning my head into the water enjoying the simple pleasure.
Leaning further in to let the water rush over my hair but that was a mistake as I began to fall forward. My first instinct was to catch myself with my feet but that wasn't an option, hands flying out as my eyes closed waiting for the impact.
Opening my eyes when I realized that I hadn't fallen at all. You were standing over me.
"Guess that wasn't so smart, was it?"
"No it wasn't." Winded.
Your hand was around my stomach as you helped to straighten me back up kicking off your boots at the same time.
"What are you doing!?" Shock flowing through my vocal chords as you stepped into the shower with me, water soaking through your clothes.
"Gotta catch you in case you fall again."
Keeping my back to you knowing full well that you had a nice open view of my ass but there was nothing that I could do about that.
"You could have just taken the rope off while I was in here."
"No, I like this better."
"Of course you do." Rolling my eyes.
Leaning down past the water's spray to grab the familiar three in one bottle squeezing a more than generous amount into the palm of my hand. Lathering the soap into the ends of my hair working my way to my scalp as droplets ran down my body.
Closing my eyes, imaging that I was home, in my own shower, ALONE.
Placing my hand on the wall in front of me pressing all my weight forward until my head was under the spout. Allowing the pressure alone to wash out all the suds.
Scratchy material glided across my back, arching away as I tried to step forward only causing my feet to slip out from under me. An arm wrapping around my waist, your strength keeping me up pulling me into you.
"I didn't mean to startle you."
Stomach on fire where your skin touched mine. Feeling the rise and fall of your chest against my bare back. At this moment I wasn't breathing at all.
Thumb rubbing a sensitive spot on my hip sending chill bumps all over my arms.
Then the pressure was gone.
Just like that, taking the heat away too.
My hair moved in front of my shoulders leaving my back open. Scrubbing gently as your hand gently pressed onto my shoulder keeping me from tipping over.
Finding my breath again now that you weren't so close, my body tensed as you scrubbed in circles.
Using the flow of water to untangle my hair, giving myself something else to focus on, brushing my fingers through leaning down to get more soap.
"I'll brush your hair after, you don't have to untangle it all by hand."
Ignoring you, pressing out another small glob of soap so that it was easier to work out the knots. Distracting myself from the fact that I was in the shower with you or that you had gotten in the shower with me.
A kiss on my shoulder.
Spinning towards you as you grabbed my waist to keep me standing your hands on both of my hips.
Words stuck in my throat as you looked down at me.
"Beautiful. Every part of you."
Covering my chest, arms crossed like a mummy hanging my head low, noticing that your socks were still on. Dark grey, sopping wet. Your jeans were the same way.
"You're soaked." Those weren't the words I had intended to say. What I actually wanted to ask was why did you kiss me, why couldn't you just let me shower in peace, why did you look so good in a wet white t-shirt that clung onto your chest almost completely transparent. No!
Laughing. "That's kinda the point of a shower."
"I meant your clothes." Tugging at the hem of the thin material.
Pressure moving off my hips as you pulled the shirt over your head in one swift move, tussling your hair in the process. Water sticking to your abs, catching the light making your skin sparkle.
Shocked, though I shouldn't have been, it's not like I haven't seen you with your shirt off before.
Though you had caught me looking and I turned away from embarrassment.
I shouldn't be having these feelings, I should be kicking and screaming to get away from you.
Heat sliding down my arms as you held onto my wrists lifting them up to your mouth placing a kiss on my right hand first then my left.
My eyes still averted from you as I heard you say the words.
"Don't fight it, just feel.
Don't fight it just feel, just feel, just feel. Mantra repeating again and again as I felt you place my hands onto your chest.
Your skin was wet and warm, my hand raising with your chest as you breathed in then you let go.
Palms still pressed to your chest realizing that you were leaving this up to me whether to pull away or not.
If I pulled away now would you just bring my hands back up?
Don't fight it, just feel.
Allowing my thumbs to follow the outline of your sternum turning my head back as I moved around your pecs and down to your abs. Dipping and raising as I passed over each one.
Feeling your muscles tighten against my touch, how they moved with each breath that you took.
Then out of nowhere I had the urge to poke one wanting to see if they would bend under my finger but the muscle had stayed solid and unmoving.
"Hey" you said laughing. "They're not bubble wrap, they don't pop." Hearing your childlike laughter fill the small space bouncing off the walls and I started laughing too.
Full out, cheerful, uncaring laughter.
"Now, you said, a chuckle hanging on the edge of your words. "Shall I continue washing you or would you like to take over?"
Taking the sponge offering from your hands, without thought immediately running the suds over your chest.
"Hey we're supposed to be washing you, not me."
Working up a lather until your entire chest was covered in bubbly suds. Looking like a blank canvas and that gave me an idea. Running my finger through leaving a wobbly line not sure what I was drawing until I was done. Leaning back to admire my work, seeing the full picture.
The Big Dipper.
"What did you draw? I can't see." As you tried to bow your head down while puffing out your chest.
Quickly wiping my hand over destroying the picture before you could see.
Why did I draw the Big Dipper of all things?
"What was it?"
"Nothing just lines." Looking up at you seeing that you were still curious, a question forming about to escape your lips. One that I really did not want to answer.
"Wash me?" Raising the loofa up in question, turning your look of confusion into shock that then changed to that crooked grin of yours making my heart skip a beat.
"Of course."
Taking the soapy loofa out of my hands as you gently moved my hair back sliding the scratchy material across my collar bone. My eyes on you as you followed your hand moving around my boobs, down my sides, kneeling down to get my legs. Working down them one at a time.
Making your way up to my butt as you rested your left hand on my right hip, your thumb rubbing in small antagonizing circles.
Not once did I reach up to cover my chest, you had already seen them anyways, seen all of me, trying to cover myself now wouldn't do anything.
Loofa sliding between my legs working up to my thighs. The feeling was strange because it was not my own, not knowing how you would move. Though it also felt good.
My hand on the wall next to me, the coolness of the dripping tile, no longer watching you. The spray on my back, the loofa gliding inside of my thighs, the ropes tugging at my ankles, woodsy scent wafting through the air. Focusing on the sound of water hitting the porcelain tub.
On my hip, looking down to find that your lips were pressed to my skin.
Only a second passing before you looked up towards me.
"If you want me to stop, just say so."
The next place your lips met was right below my belly button, my breaths coming faster as the fire spread. Kissing higher up my stomach , the heat spreading as my fingers clenched on the wall wanting something to hold on to.
Your next kiss was directly under my right boob. With my free hand I brushed my fingers through your wet hair clenching again as your lips pressed against my other boob.
Your calloused hands holding on to my sides, water flowing down my body and into yours. Lips opening as your tongue found my nipple, twisting around. A puff of air scraping my mouth as I felt your teeth close around, only enough for me to feel a slight pinch as your tongue ran over the sensitive skin once more. Letting go, doing the same to my other nipple.
Hot, so hot, even though the water that was hitting me was now ice cold. This time I moaned, the sound echoing off the shower walls, not believing that the sound had just come from me. Breasts tingling, blood pulsing.
Only you and me, alone.
"Kiss me." Coming out in one long breath as I slid my hands around the back of your neck. Slowly you stood, your head going over mine, tugging at the ends of your hair. Wanting that feeling again like when we had first kissed.
You stared down at my lips as you moved your hands to my lower back pulling me closer.
When our lips finally met, nothing else mattered. Everything around me disappeared, no longer feeling the spray of liquid or thinking about the absence of the mirror or how I would eventually have to go back downstairs. The only thing that I was focused on was your touch and how it made me feel.
Our tongues sliding against each other, one hand clenching your hair as my other slid down your chest. A moan coming from you playing against my mouth but our kiss never broke.
Left hand wrapped around your shoulder as my other slid around to your back running over the ridges.
Automatically you tensed, backing your head away ending our kiss.
"Don't stop." So silent I hardly heard myself say the words as I nudged your head back down to me. Lips interlocking once more as my fingers continued to explore your back, feeling you slowly loosen under my touch.
Pressing myself into you, boobs squishing against your chest, wet jeans moving against my bare legs. The bulge rubbed right above my hip at my lower waist and I pulled myself into it. 
Lips leaving mine, hand under my chin raising my head up.
"I think you're clean now."
Both of us were breathing heavily.
You reached past me turning the water off, all I could do was stand there.
Though I didn't feel much like moving anyways.
Opening the curtain letting the light shine fully as you grabbed a towel and turned to me before you began to dry off my body.
Holding on to your shoulders as you moved the towel all around making sure to get the majority of the water off before you wrapped the towel under my arms.
Holding the towel up as you stepped out of the shower tossing a towel on the floor before grabbing one for yourself. Running the fabric along your chest, down your arms, turning your back to me as you unbuttoned your jeans pushing them down making sure to remove your socks as you stepped from each pants leg.
Seeing that your buttcheeks were considerably lighter than the rest of you, proving my theory that you spent a lot of time outside. Did anyone else know about the marks on your back? Has anyone else seen them? What would they say or think if they did?
Securing the towel at your waist before you came back to me, wrapping my arms around your shoulders as your hands slid under my back and legs lifting me into the air. My whole body was still tingling from the kiss, kisses. Giggling to myself.
Head doling back looking up at you. Smiling wide when I noticed how spikes your hair was.
"What are you laughing at?"
"You look like a porcupine."
Seeing you try to raise your eyes to look at your hair, even going as far as trying to turn your head to get a better look making you look like a dog trying to chase its own tail which made me laugh even harder.
"A porcupine huh, guess I gotta fix that." Shaking your head shooting water everywhere glas that I still had the towel because I was drenched all over.
In fact shaking your head only made the spiky mess worse.
"Welp, guess I'm having a bad hair day." You said as you carried me into the living room.
This time I had a clear vision and full view though I realized that I hadn't missed much. The only items in here were the couch, table and shelf. To my left was the kitchen with a wall that separated the living area which is where the couch was placed.
At first I thought that you were bringing me back down to the basement but surprise struck me when you settled me down on the couch.
"I'm going to grab you another shirt to wear and put on some dry clothes myself. Will you be ok here until I get back?"
"I'm good."
Better than good with you gone I could definitely get a better look at this place.
Disappearing down the hallway hearing a door open though I couldn't see which one. Taking my time to study the room. Nothing sat on the coffee table, there weren't any plants or statues, only a few books on the shelf under the tv across from me. Too far away for me to read the titles clearly but they did look worn.
There was a window by the door closest to me but it was covered with plain grey curtains.
No clock on the plain white walls and the remote for the tv was right under the device so that wasn't helpful.
One door was to the left of me another to my right. Though if my guess was right the one I was closest to was the back door, considering that it was next to the kitchen. That's where the back doors usually were right thinking about how that was true for my house.
Leaning back into the comfy couch cushions, laying my head to the side, snuggling my knees to my chest.
Thundering steps as you raced back into the room wearing only a pair of jeans that hung low on your hips, another flannel in your hand. This one was tan, different shades of brown lines.
Seeing that I hadn't moved, your shoulders sinking down as you came over to me offering the shirt. Making no move to take the shirt from you too comfy to care.
"I guess while you're up here I can change the sheets on your bed? Did you want anything more, a blanket maybe?"
Thinking that it was weird that I didn't have one before now though I hadn't needed one the room itself stayed decently warm though it would be nice to have.
"Alright, I'll be right back." Leaving the shirt on the cushion next to me as you once again went down the hallway out of my sight.
Turning over my shoulder to my right seeing the front door. Dark wood, no windows, about thirty feet away. No way I could move that far with my feet bound besides you were still right here and you would stop me before I even got halfway.
Leaving now or at least trying to would only ruin everything, putting me back to step one and I didn't want to wait that long.
Be patient, telling myself that I would see my parents soon. Hugging my knees closer to my chest as you came back into the living room, clean sheets in your hands.
"I'll just get these changed real quick then we can get you settled in bed, ok?" Sounding as if you were still worried that I would disappear before you came back.
Cushion cradling my head as I reached my hand past the towel running my fingers over my boob. Remembering how good it felt when you kissed them suckling on my nipples. How I had moaned, I'd never done that before. Then again I've never felt like that before either.
Picking up the shirt smelling the fabric, inhaling your scent that was slowly becoming mine as well.
Peeking up at the door.
If I could get there then I could close the door and lock you on then I could run out the door and get help, cursing the ropes at my feet.
Would that work?
Did I still have time to try?
"All set."
Hearing your words before you came out of the door the old sheets tucked over your arm, dropping them next to the couch opening your arms around me. This time I cradled my head into your neck, my ear against your skin, hearing the soft putter of your heartbeat.
Carrying me down the stairs and placing me down onto a soft blue blanket, the newest addition to my bed.
Kneeling down by my feet, pausing slightly as our eyes connected.
After a second you began to untie the rope from my ankles relieving the pressure on them.
"Thank you." Happy that my feet were free, crossing my legs in front of me pushing my knees down with my hands as I stretched.
Brushing the palm of my hand over the cover, the blue getting darker or lighter depending on the direction that I went.
Soft, cozy. Similar to a blanket that I had at home.
Keeping my place in the center of the bed facing the footboard as you sat behind me and began to work through my hair.
Playing a game of tic-tac-toe in the blanket where I was technically losing to myself rubbing out the game and playing another that came out to a tie. Bored with the game I wiped the lines and shapes away and started to poke dots.
"What are those supposed to be?"
Have you been looking over my shoulder this entire time?
"Stars. I miss seeing them up in the sky. Is it nighttime now?" Wondering just how off schedule that I actually was.
"It's dark now but you can't really see any stars from here. There are too many lights."
Lights meant people, houses. Was I in a neighborhood? Was I close to home, how far away did you take me?
If it was nighttime then my parents were asleep, hopefully.
An image of my mom crying her eyes out in bed  while my dad was downstairs on his laptop sitting by the phone waiting for it to ring as he scoured the internet for any mention of someone seeing me since my disappearance.
"You're crying."
Wiping the tears from my eyes feeling how soaked my cheeks were not even knowing that I had been crying at all.
"I'm tired, I just want to sleep."
"Do you want to talk?"
"No." Which was a lie, I did want to talk, but not to you. I wanted to tell my parents that I was ok, to hear their voices, see them, hug them.
"Alright." Disappointing in your voice as you got up from the bed holding the collar in front of me.
Reaching behind, gathering up all my hair and holding the bundle away from my neck as you fastened the metal in place pushing the pin in.
Once again leashed like a dog.
Crawling away from you up to the headboard facing away from you as more tears come, soaking not the squishy pillow, curling up into a tight ball.
Eyes shut, not responding as you continued to hover over me just wishing that you would leave already. Wanting to be alone.
Footsteps, lightly walking up the stairs, closing the door quietly.
Trying to figure out what the hell was happening to me. Why did I feel this way, every time you were around me, it changed everything.
Wishing that my life would go back to the way it was before when the only things I was confused about were which college I was going to pick. Keeping my eyes closed, willing for sleep to come. My mind, going a thousand miles per second. Questions, feelings, scenarios, your touch, god your touch, all racing around my head melding together.
The voices wouldn't stop, wouldn't slow down, I had absolutely no control. The only thing that seemed to help was to cry and I did until my tears ran out and I was left with just whimpering into the pillow wishing for all of this to end.

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