Chapter 21

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The next few days flew by, I didn't think about escaping or my family, considering that I didn't have much time to.
On the plus side I haven't been back down to the basement either.
Not on the plus side since you've finished your last job I haven't had any time alone.
Right now I was laying on the couch as you made pancakes. Sweet smell of the batter wafting through the space as the cinnamon and sugar heated up.
At the moment there was a commercial playing for some new children's toy that was supposed to be all the rage. Muting the tv to get rid of the annoying sales pitch of how magical it was and blah blah blah.
Rolling down my sleeves to cover my hands buttoning the cuffs so they wouldn't flop around. Sizzling coming from the pan, footsteps, a cabinet opening and closing.
Getting thirsty I got up and went to the fridge opening up to see the contents.
"Watch yea looking for?"
Pulling out the orange juice gallon that only had enough left for one glass.
"Looks like we're running low, I can go to the store later and pick some up, get whatever else you would like."
A kind gesture but that only meant that I would have to go back down to the basement while you were gone. Not something that I was looking forward to. No point in even asking if I could go with you. Not even with the most persuasive argument, you wouldn't take the chance of someone recognizing me.
After the night with the s'mores I had woken up the next morning in your bed, my arm laying over your chest, leg on top of yours. You were still asleep or so I thought. Carefully trying to lift myself up as I was placed in between you and the wall wanting to get away though the second I tried to scoot forward your eyes popped open.
Either you were the lightest sleeper or you had already been awake.
Since then we hadn't really talked much, or I hadn't. You tried often to get me to cheer up. Offering games or food or tv, sometimes I obliged because I would rather do something and I did need to eat but other than the occasional question we didn't speak.
There also hadn't been another instance where you tried to embrace me. Of course there was the occasional reach over to fix my hair or a brief touch on my shoulder. Never forcing anything beyond that which I was grateful for.
"Bon appétit." Handing my plate to me as he sat down on the couch.
"You speak french?"
"Only what I learned from that movie we watched with the rat cook."
"Remy the rat was a chef not just a cook."
"Well then madame mosel, bon appetit. Please do excuse my French. I learned from a rat who also happens to be a chef." Putting on the worst french accent that I've ever heard.
Shaking my head, letting out a laugh as I cut into the fluffy stack topped with thick brown syrup.
"Are you laughing at me?" Eyebrows raised like you couldn't believe it, arms crossed.
With a mouth full of food I nodded my head. "Mhmmmm hmmmm."
Swallowing the bite, placing the plate on the table about to reach for the glass of orange juice.
Watching people on the tv, the show that was airing back on. Seeing their mouths open, the expressions on their faces guessing what they were saying as the tv was still muted.
Thinking over how strange this was to be sitting here now with you eating pancakes.
When I had first woken up in the basement I was so certain that something terrible was going to happen, that I wasn't going to survive. Stuck, chained in the small room with the bed that had worn down posts and buckets for a toilet.
Now I was sitting comfortably on the couch upstairs eating breakfast with the person who took me.
If someone had told me then that this would happen I wouldn't have believed them. Would have called them crazy but I hadn't expected to be taken either.
Those first couple of days. How scared I was of you, what you would do. Keeping my distance.
What would that girl say to me now?
How could you be doing this? Why are you letting him in? You should be trying to get out, that should be you only thought? Getting back to your family.
Almost two months since I've been here.
That's how long I haven't seen my parents, my friends, been to school.
Shaking my head.
Instead of taking final exams and going to the dance I was stuck here. Soon everyone else would be enjoying summer vacation, off doing whatever they like. Free to travel and hang with friends, going to the mall.
What was Amara doing right now? Usually we would go out and celebrate the end of the school year, all the possibilities of things we could do. Planning out our summer.
Now what? Was she still just as upset about me being gone or has she moved on since it's been so long?
Maybe she was hanging out at our favorite pizza shack wishing that I was there with her, hoping to see me out the window. Or she was at home in her room scouring the internet for clues, playing detective.
Did the police find my bag or my phone?
Smiling at the thought of Amara hunched over her computer after harassing the police station for records on my disappearance. Once that girl set her mind there was no stopping her.
Heck maybe she could find something the police didn't. She did know me better.
That would be something.
Fifteen year old teen girl found best friend after she had been missing for months. The kidnapper has been locked away and both the girls are safe and the found girl has been reunited with her parents. A happy ending to a sad beginning.
Face dropping as soon as I let my mind wander to my parents. Stuff like this tore families apart. Are they ok? How were they dealing with this, not knowing where or how I was?
Have they been working, has mom even picked up a paintbrush since I've been here? Has dad even been able to get himself to drive to the office to work while he was grieving over me?
With the past due bills did they still have the house, their vehicles or did they have to sell stuff in order to make payments.
So frustrating not even knowing what was going on outside this house. More than anything I just wanted how they were.
Would you tell me?
Would you go check on them if I asked?
"So when's your next job?"
Drying your hands off on your jeans from cleaning off the plates we had just eaten off of, leaving dark spots.
"Not sure yet. The last job paid pretty well and to be honest I've just wanted to spend more time with you."
Bringing my knees into my chest resting my head down on them.
"What's wrong Sarah?"
It was annoying how well you could read me, know that something was wrong, you just didn't know what.
"You know you can talk to me." Voice serious as you came over kneeling beside me raising your hand up to my face scooping my hair away. Tears building at the corners of my eyes begging to come out.
"Sarah please, tell me."
"I miss my parents so much."
Sighing as you rubbed my cheek with your thumb.
"You say that you love me."
Catching your attention. "I do, Sarah."
"So do my mom and dad. They love me with all their hearts, with everything they have." Holding onto your hand as I looked directly into your eye.
"What would you do if I disappeared now?"
"I would mourn you with every passing day and not stop until I found you again."
Wouldn't stop chasing me.
"Now times that by ten and that's how much I miss my parents, how much they want me back."
"I know that I can't see them, that I can't leave but I just need to know how they are doing." Using the sleeve of my shirt to wipe off the snot running from my nose.
You looked taken back, mouth slightly open at loss for words. Which meant that you were trying to find a way to change the subject or you were considering the idea.
Here it comes, the inevitable: I can't let you go, I'll take care of you, I love you.
"I need to go to the store."
Not what I was expecting.
Heading back down to the basement, with you following behind. Turning around to you as you closed the door, the familiar sound of the lock sliding into place.
The expression you had on your face was unreadable, just barely a hint of a smile as the wood blocked my view.
Once again alone in the dark room.
What were you thinking?
For one terrifying moment I had a thought that you were going to harm my parents but that wasn't you. Knowing that I would never forgive you if you did anything to harm them.
Though you already did.
By taking me.
In the past you surprised me with things after I told you about them. The music, the pizza, the s'mores under the stars. Each time I told you about something important to me, there it was.
Trying to bring my life to me.
Telling you how important my parents were to me.
Your face as I told you how much I missed them.
How quickly you left after.
What were you going to do?
I wanted to know if they were ok, I had made that clear.
Is that what you were doing?
Checking on them for me?
How would you do that? If they were inside would you knock on the door acting like a concerned citizen and actually talk to them?
No that would put you out in the open.
Would you just glance into a window, avoiding being seen by anyone?
What if you didn't see them at all? Would you come home and tell me that they were heartbroken but still living their lives. Telling me only what I wanted to hear?
Would someone recognize your vehicle?
If they did would that be grounds enough for a police questioning and if that happened how long would the interrogation be? A couple hours, a whole day. All while I would be trapped here with no way of getting out.
Then again you could just be going to the store like you said. Not even driving back to my home.
Why was I so worried, you've been gone before.
That look on your face, like you weren't certain.
Like you were trying to way out options.
I had to trust that you would come back. Of course you would, you wouldn't leave me here unless something stopped you.
Like a car wreck.
Those happened all the time, what if you, then no one would ever find me. Trapped down here with no food, worrying about when you'll return.
Hours passed by or so I assumed not having access to a clock. Pacing the floor, restless as I focused on my breathing, trying to stay calm.
Everything was fine, you would be back soon.
Turning the speaker on cranking the volume up hoping that the noise would help distract the voices in my head but my thoughts only became louder, screaming at me.
Too loud, yanking the aux cord from the speaker killing the music.
Mouth dry. Dipping down looking under the bed, noticing that I only had one water left. Grabbing it quickly, twisting the top off, chugging half before thinking better and putting the cap back on. This was all the water I had until you came back.
Keeping a hold on the plastic, tossing the bottle from one hand to the other.
What was taking you so long?
Food. Grocery shopping. Long lines.
Would you just hurry up and get back please!
Breathing in, chest expanding with oxygen, blowing out. Another, squeezing my eyelids tightly together as the bottle crinkled in my grip. Legs shaking.
Bringing the bottle up to my lips, tipping it back only to realize that the top was still on. Aggravated, going to twist the cap off, fumbling, the bottle spinning as it hit the floor, water rolling inside.
Reaching down, grabbing hold, trying once more to open the  water bottle for a drink but it felt as if the lid had been glued shut. Unwilling to turn even the slightest bit.
Screaming as I chunked the thing across the room, watching as it bounced off the concrete wall, circling on the floor.
Eyes burning, teeth clenched.
Turning away back towards the bed not realizing how close I was as I hit my shin on the frame.
Holding my leg as I bounced around in pain.
Wasn't I just in the middle of the room?
Turning back around, the wall was so close that I could touch it. The room was shrinking, closing in on me. Spinning, concrete everywhere I looked. Blood boiling, so hot, fingers slipping over my hair as I tried to detach it from my sweaty face, nails getting stuck, pulling out strands of long brown.
Stairs, door, out.
Tumbling to the ground, legs falling out from under me. Almost as if I was in a nightmare, the ones where you couldn't run or scream no matter how much you tried.
Limbs useless, numb on the floor. Like a baby I tried to crawl, inching forward. So slow. Too slow.
Ground getting a deeper grey as each tear drop cascaded it way down my face.
Laying there unable to move, body refusing to respond. This was worse than the collar.
Getting harder to breath, throat closing as it grew darker.
Too loud, too dizzy.
Thoughts swirling around my head.
One word breaking through.
My heart leapt with joy, in an instant you were by my side lifting me up, laying my head in your lap. Wiping away my tears.
Unable to see, since my eyes were shut.
Now that you are here.
That you were back with me.
"Sarah, it's ok, just breathe. Come on Sarah, you can do it one deep breath in, now out. There you go, come on, keep going. Everything's going to be fine.
Feeling the water flow down my face this time the tears were from relief.
Voice cracking.
"Don't what? Sarah, breath, it's alright. I'm here, I got you." Voice exasperated, now that my eyes finally opened I could see the way your eyebrows were scrunched together, mouth opened, breathing hard.
"Don't leave me." Words coming out in a rush. "Don't leave me down here anymore."
A single tear falling down your cheek and more than anything I wanted to wipe it away but my arm was too heavy to lift.
Head relaxing onto your legs as my eyes fell shut. Feeling myself being lifted into the air hearing two words that made everything go silent.
"I promise."

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