Chapter 12

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We had an early start. The sun had only just started to rise when we met in the stables. I hadn't realised how big the stables was until I saw all four of our dragons sitting patiently as we loaded them up with our bags.

To my disappointment, everyone had weapons stashed in the sheaths attached to the saddle. Annalyse brushed off my complaints, saying I wasn't ready yet, but I knew how to use a knife and bow. They were my hunting tools. I couldn't take one with me if they were taking enough to supply a small army?

Ignoring my protests, the Knights mounted. Grudgendly, I climbed up Eran, in front of Grayson. Once I was settled in the saddle, he slipped a knife into my palm, winking. "Always be armed," he whispered, his voice soft enough for no one else to hear. "Not that you should need it with us around."

I didn't care if I had to use it or not, it was the fact that he was giving me the chance to defend myself that I cared about. It made me feel warm inside. "Thank you." 

We flew due west out of the canyon then north. Arkon was high enough in the clouds above for us to only see his shadow occasionally. Even if we couldn't see him, I felt his presence always near. Every so often, he'd reach out with his magic to scan the clouds ahead of us; whenever he did it, I felt the birds he sensed. There were a surprising amount of birds in the sky, but they all scattered as soon as they got a whiff of dragon.

A flock of lightsprites emerged out of the clouds to avoid Arkon, but they hadn't seen the other dragons. They flew right at us. Grayson pushed me down against the saddle as he swatted some away. Jacob got clocked in the face by one and groaned when it pooped all over him in surprise. We couldn't help a giggle. Annalyse burst out laughing, unable to control herself, meanwhile, my poor brother's face got redder and redder.

After the incident, we rode a little closer to the ground, flying only high enough to avoid the tallest trees--which were considerably taller than I was used to in my valley. These ones could easily soar over any building I'd ever seen. It might have had something to do with the Aborian River we followed; unlike the trees back home, these ones grew in the river, and they seemed to be the biggest trees. It must have been from the magic that supposedly flowed in the water; not enough magic to have any effect on humans but enough to affect trees that had been growing in it for hundreds of years.

A city was fast approaching on the edge of the forest. It was large, a watermill the centerpiece of the town. I'd thought it was our destination, amazed by the time it took to reach it, but it appeared not to be, as we didn't slow down to land. "Hillfar," Grayson explained when I looked back at him. The fort wasn't far from the city, standing tall and proud atop a hill.

As we flew over the farms, a bunch of kids, of whom I could see with my Dragon Vision, ran along with our shadows, pointing at us. They shouted in glee.

Grayson chuckled, also noticing the children. "It appears we have a little fan club."

It hadn't dawned on me that I wasn't the only one fascinated by Dragon Knights growing up. Being much nearer to the capital than I was, they must have seen dragons far more often than I did. Their dreams felt so much closer than mine had. It wasn't until the day Jacob signed up and got recruited when people stopped telling us that we shouldn't get our hopes up.

My heart yearned to see my parents' proud smiles at what we had become, all because they believed in us when no one else did. I clutched my chest, feeling as though it was being crushed by the weight of the world.

Grayson either noticed my mood or just had a knack for timing; he squeezed my waist and gestured to the gorgeous wildflower field we were about to fly over. I let myself relax in his arms and got lost in all the colours.

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