Chapter 36.

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THE PACK CROWDED in the grassy clearing outside the bungalow, the originally spacious space shrunken in the presence of abnormally large canines. Blaze licked his forearms as he lay languidly on the grass, his temporary patience a precursor to an overdue run. His twin trotted around the group, occasionally leaping off his hind legs in enthusiasm.

Aren't you excited? James asked as he gave a comforting nudge to my flank. You seem subdued and quiet.

I flicked my ears in dismissal. Slightly tired, that's all. Also weary of everything.

That's understandable. I laughed at his placid response. James could've been a therapist in another life.

I, too, didn't understand the source of my dimmed feelings. One would presume I'd be leaping for joy at the prospect of running with my pack and the thought of security and protection amongst others.

Suppose you were thrust head-first into a world you didn't know about but were destined to be a part of. Within weeks, you find yourself surrounded by wolf-shifters who are connected to you on a soul level, meanwhile, you'd spent your entire life without any lasting non-familial connections. Any sane person, I paused as I noticed my mistake, wolf-shifter, would undoubtedly break down at some point. The paranoia of the impending 'some point' is probably what's causing my frivolous emotions.

James flopped onto the grass and stared at me with unblinking amber eyes filled with understanding. I sighed in relief; I didn't want pity or sympathy, and I was grateful that James gave me neither. Know that we will always have your back. You will never have to face anything on your own ever again, he vowed with certainty.

Wow, how sentimental of you, a certain Southern wolf drawled to James. He turned his icy blue eyes to me, there is no doubt we'd all fight tooth and nail for you, darlin'. I'd willingly jump full force into any battle on your behalf.

I can fight my own battles, I glared but understood the touching meaning of his words.

A small part of my heart tugged at me, a reminder of my lost parents and what should've been their role. A role that was never filled until now.

Although Iris and Ben were the best guardians I could've hoped for, there was always an unfulfilled, unsatisfied part of me that longed for my mother and father. Someone who understood my behaviours and knew me better than I knew myself. Someone who thought like me and was mentally connected on another level. But one can't always have what one wants, so I've made do with what I did have. Iris and Ben. Amelia. My pack.

A rustling caused my head to turn towards nearby bushes. The dark leaves parted to reveal Fynn's silver coat, its colour stark against the green backdrop of trees and nature. Like all the times before, his eyes immediately found James and the others, barely giving me the time of day. I huffed under my breath in part offence and part hurt.

Ready? He turned to face the darkness beyond, expecting us all to follow like loyal disciples of his cult– ahem, pack.

Howls echoed throughout the dark night as the pack began to run into the dense forest, fallen sticks and dried leaves crunching beneath our herd of heavy paws.

Through Riana's eyes, I marvelled at my shifted perspective of the world. We were closer to the ground, and everything looked bigger than it did in my human form. Yet, despite the change in size, the scenery didn't look intimidating. It was the feeling of being a predator. Knowing there was little that could faze you.

Riana sniffed the air as she ran. "Rabbit corpse," she obscurely commented.

It was probably just one of us.

"Has a foreign scent. Smells recent, too."

Relax. We're surrounded by other wolf-shifters who also hunt and eat. It was probably one of them, I shrugged in my subconsciousness.

For a moment, I wondered how I had a subconscious body that could perform physical movements no matter which forms Riana and I were in. How could I control my actual movements in the real world while rolling my eyes at the Riana who lived comfortably in my head? Was that even Riana? All the levels of my mind and my need to understand them all were driving me crazy.

"Stop thinking so hard. Giving me a headache."

You could hear what I was thinking? I asked in wonder and slight alarm.

"No, but I could sense your anxiety. Reminds me of Piglet from Winnie the Pooh."

I am not Piglet!

"You are very pink sometimes... particularly when Fynn is involved," Riana's subconscious form grinned like a Cheshire cat.

Shut it. You and your grammatically incorrect sentences are annoying me to no end. Control yourself.

"Feral side of me is taking over. Make me sound stupid, according to you."

Yet you can implement pop culture references into our conversation? I respond in disbelief.

"Seems so."



Told ya I was gonna give y'all a longer chapter this week. I was even on time!

Why do you think Katie always turns pink when Fynn's around?

Merry Christmas everybody! Where are people going for Christmas?

- Hilda

Chapter 37: 31december2022 (look at my dedication... publishing chapters even during the holidays)

My very own wolf familyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon