Chapter Fifteen: Rise of the Blood Moon

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(Warning: This chapter contains some foul language which might not be suitable for some readers.)

~Chapter Fifteen~
Rise of the Blood Moon

Aqua pulled back the curtains and an eerie red light shined through the window. Owin stared longingly up at the thing he feared the most these past few days, the blood moon was now rising and they were drastically running out of time to save Arwen.

Owin: "I guess we were in the Elysium Tower longer than I thought. If we're to save Arwen we have to act quickly and we only have a few more hours to pull it off." He held his side and groaned from the pain. "We have to come up with some sort of a plan."

Aqua: "Well actually we already have one, when you were still in the tower Percival took the liberty of drafting one up, come on I'll show you." Aqua slowly walked Owin over to a large table where Percival and Ryo stood looking over a large map of Zhagos. Percival heard the footsteps and looked up from the table to Aqua and Owin smiling at his friends.

Percival: "Owin, I'm glad to see you're finally awake! I was starting to believe that you'd never wake up in the condition Ryo found you in. What exactly happened to you in there after we escaped?"

Owin: "Well after Luke left me I did exactly what I said I would, I released my full power over The Light and I was so close to ending Isis for good. That was until another one of the four generals ambushed me, allowing her to get away."

Ryo: "So the witch that tortured me is still alive? I knew it wouldn't have been that easy to kill her and what of this general? What kind of monster did Isis turn her into?"

Owin: "Well that's the thing, she already was one, a jiangshi from the Taiyo Empire named Yasano Kagura. What was most peculiar about her is that she also possessed the powers of a masani. Being from the Taiyo Empire she was also immune to my light magic and since I didn't have any of the proper equipment on me she was incredibly hard to fight." Aqua thought for a moment before speaking.

Aqua: "So she's not only creating hybrids, but she's also splicing together different species of vampires to create new ones? I'll be right back Luke and Sigmus should hear of this as well." She walked off over to where Luke sat alongside professor Sigmus and returned with both of them a few moments later.

Luke: "So is it true what Aqua told me of Yasano? A jiangshi with the abilities of a masani, that's quite a lethal combination. Creating a hybrid using a human and vampire is one thing, but splicing together two completely different species of vampire is another."

Sigmus: "Especially with two species as incompatible as a jiangshi and masani, they're as compatible as a cat and dog are. It's quite the feat by both scientific and magical means, even if it goes against the laws of nature and the United Arnorian Treaties."

Ryo: "I had the chance to meet Yasano once when I was undercover as Klaus Lindner. I had no idea she was a vampire all this time. From the injuries you had when I found you I assume she put up quite the fight? Hopefully you killed her, that'll be one less problem for us to worry about tonight."

Owin: "She was quite the formidable foe, in fact she was a samurai in her former life, most likely a master from how strong her Taiyo sword magic was. I ended up burning through all my remaining mana fighting her, if it wasn't for my secret form I would have surely died."

Percival: "You went up against a Sun Sword Master and survived? You really are impressive Owin and what's this secret form you speak of?

Owin: "Oh? I'm surprised you don't know Percival from all the tales of Slayers you heard. You see each Slayer is born with a unique mutation that we have come to call our secret form. I myself was born with the power to turn my skin into salamander dragon scales, I'm also immune to curses, poisons and fire while in my secret form.

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