Chapter Four: The Hunter and the Hunted

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(Warning: this chapter contains depictions of blood and torture, which might not be suitable for some readers.)

~Chapter Four~
The Hunter and the Hunted

The fang slowly floated off to the south of what was once Zhagos's High Town, Owin and the others followed closely behind it, not knowing what lay ahead of them.

Owin: "The scent of the blood poultice is getting much stronger, Arwen definitely came this way."

Osonia: "What is this poultice you keep speaking of? You've mentioned before you're tracking her with it." Owin pulled the blood poultice out from his pocket.

Owin: "This small bag here is a blood poultice, it's basically a mixture of simple alchemical herbs, but the key ingredient that gives it power is the blood of a higher vampire. Higher vampires developed it in order to stop biting transformations. Supposedly it makes them a more civilized race, which in fact most of them are. Each poultice is very unique to the person it's used on, the scents they give off are also unique, it makes it much easier to track the person it's bound to, in this case that person being Arwen."

Osonia: "So when we find her what do you intend to do with her?"

Owin: "Well I'll try my best to save her, the process is easy just as long as she's willing to turn back, but it will get much harder for her as the transition goes on. Which is why I'm hoping this vampire that killed your kin is the one that turned her. I'll need its blood in order to make the potion that can turn her back."

Osonia: "You can have as much of the monster's blood as you like Owin, just as long as I'm the one that gets to kill it. What it did back there to my people is unforgivable, it will pay dearly with its life." Owin sighed.

Owin: "I understand how you feel about it Osonia, but we know nothing about this creature, no normal vampire could have done what it did back there. We can't just rush in the moment we find it, it's way too dangerous."

Luke: "Owin's right, this vampire could be extremely dangerous and powerful. Up until now I thought the upier were the most deadly of all vampires. What happened back there is similar to an upier attack, but with what I can piece together so far it's as strong, if not stronger than an upier and has the knowledge of a higher vampire.

Aqua: "Which is exactly why you won't be getting anywhere near the thing Luke. I'm in charge of you while we are away from Noxmore. If it comes to it and we do go up against this creature you'll stay as far away from it as possible." Owin suddenly stopped and sniffed the air. "Owin what is it?"

Owin: "We aren't alone out here, there's something nearby with a scent that I don't recognize. But I can tell you it's definitely not human or elf."

Aqua: "Do you think it might be the vampire?"

Owin: Owin takes in another deep breath "Yes the scent is mixed with the faint smell of fresh elven blood. I believe that we're being hunted." A mist had suddenly appeared out of nowhere surrounding Owin and the others. "This mist is unnatural, keep your guard up!"

Luke: "Is it me or did it just suddenly get colder, and I feel kind of light headed...." Just then Luke had passed out, hitting the ground hard.

Aqua: "Luke!" Aqua ran over to catch him but became light headed herself falling next to him.

Osonia: "What's going on I......." and just like that Osonia too had passed out.
Owin: "What black magic is this..." Owin drew his sword, fighting to stand up right, his head was growing lighter and his vision started to blur. He had caught a glimpse of a dark shadowy figure coming straight towards him just as he too hit the ground passing out. A few hours had soon passed and he awoke in a dark musky room lit with torches. He tried to move but couldn't because he was now chained to a wall. He looked around the room and saw his companions scattered about tied down and still unconscious. Then he saw it there standing in the dim light across the room, he knew by the scent it was the very creature that was hunting them earlier. "Why don't you step out of the shadows and come a bit closer, this way I can see the face of the monster I'm going to kill." The creature let out an evil laugh and walked into the light, he looked to be a young man, but Owin knew all too well that he wasn't. The creature then spoke.

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