The New Girl.

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This is my first story so don't go after me if I make a mistake ;-;... (CRINGE WARNING ON ALL OF THE CHAPTERS-)

Damian POV:
It's a new year, new classmates. But there was this one girl. Who just stared at me. She has pink short hair and weird little horns on her head. I think she honestly has a crush on me. I don't blame her at all.
She seems to play hard to get. Cute.

(This is also based on episode 6)
Lunch Room
Headmaster: ''This is where we serve you 5-star meals by professional chefs. This is the Cafeteria.''
The headmaster said.
Follower 2: "Lord Damians gonna be an Imperial Scholar in no time!" Damians follower stated at Damian after a few seconds after the Headmasters last sentence.
Damian: "Of course I am." Damian replied
Damian walked towards Anya into the hall
Damian: "What about you what does your dad do?"
"If he's important enough than I'll let you be my friend." (He did this because he remembered Anya staring at him, and thinks she has a crush on him. so he thinks she's gonna try to become his friend for a better chance)
Anya: "My dads a Sp- Feelings doctor."
Anya POV: Almost gave papas disguise away..I got to be careful...
Damian: "Hmph. So he's just a nobody then."
Both followers: snickering
Damian: "Probably not that rich either. Lame."
Anya: "I want to go play at your house!" She said trying to help with Loids mission.
Follower 1: "Hah! Know your place, Uggo!"
Follower 2: "This is the problem with measly little peasants!"
Follower 1: "You're gonna get your little peasant germs on him! Scram!"
He pushed Anya

Anya POV: NOW ITS TIME TO RELEASE MY KILLER PUNCH! "Try laughing it off! It makes you seem like the bigger person! Remember, your time and place matter!" (Yors voice echoed through Anyas head) That's right! I have to laugh it off! Here I go!

Anya: Giggling
Anya: "Like if I care."
Damian: "Huh?"
Anya: smirks
Anya: "Heh."

Damian POV:
How dare she mock me... Why is she smirking at me like that?!.. This girl is seriously making me mad!..H-How... DARE SHE....

Becky POV:
Look at the maturity! The... MATURITY! I WAS.. wrong about calling her a baby! She acts just like an adult! ....AMAZING!!

Follower 1: "Uh... Lord Damian. You should, perhaps upper your vocabulary..."
Becky: "Ugh!"
Becky: "Sure, she's uglier than me! But, that doesn't mean you have to be ru-"
Damian: "Aren't you such a special widdle girl!" Damian mocked her, because he was so angry and upset at her.

Anya POV:
I have to see if there's any adults. So, I can release my killer punch! This guy is getting on my nerves!
(When she turned there was no adults)

Before Damian could say anything else, Anya punched him in the face. Sending him flying into the trash can.
Damian: "T-T-T..." He started crying
Headmasters walked in and saw what happened.
Headmaster: "Anya Forger."
Headmaster: "Not very elegant."
The Headmaster sighed
Headmaster: "Why would you punch Damian ."
Anya: "I punched him because..." she hesitated then said.
Anya: "H-he... stepped on her foot... So...I got mad."
Headmaster sighed and then said.
Headmaster: "Anya Forger that's still not a good reason for punching someone." He paused "I'm sorry to say this but you have earned a thunderbolt."
Anya: "......I...."

Damian POV:
The pink haired girl punched me! I...CANT BELIVE THIS! After that she walked away her friend. I then got up and walked away from her. I can't believe she would stoop so low to punch me. Such a lost cause.

Word count:

636 words

Thanks for reading!

"I Don't even like her!!" Anya x Damian Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ