The Apology.

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Authors note:

Hi! Author here! I just want to say that I'm pushing through REALLY HARD to do this. So.. Hope you like it!! ^^

Anya wakes up the day after 'the incident'
Anya heads into the kitchen where Loid, Anya's father. Is making her breakfast, it's waffles and a side of orange juice!

 Is making her breakfast, it's waffles and a side of orange juice!

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Loid: "Anya! I made you some breakfast. Enjoy!"
Anya: "Oh! Thanks Papa!"
Anya ate all of the waffles and drank half of her orange juice.

 Enjoy!"Anya: "Oh! Thanks Papa!"Anya ate all of the waffles and drank half of her orange juice

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Anya wiped the syrup off her mouth.
Anya: "Thanks Papa!"
Yor: "Anya, I'll walk you to your bus, Your gonna be late!"

The bus stop

Yor: "Anya, be safe!"
Anya: "Bye Mama!"
Anya stepped into the yellow bus.
Yor watched it drive away before going back into the house.

School entrance

Anya POV:
I have to apologize to second son.. or Papa's mission will be ruined!

While Anya was thinking Becky came up behind her

Becky: "Anya~San!"
Becky ran up next to Anya so they could walk together.
Anya: "O-Oh- Hi Becky!"
Becky: "Hi Anya~San! Have you seen that one novel.. I can't remember what it's called! It's about..."
Anya didn't listen to the other parts and heard barely anything like if she was underwater, Anya was just focused on trying to apologize to second son, Damian.

Anya: "Becky- I have to-"
Becky: "Hurry up Anya~San! We're gonna be late for class if we keep walking!"
Becky then grabbed Anya's wrist then started sprinting to the school.
Anya: "Wait! Becky! I have to- "
Becky: "Not now! The bells gonna ring any minute now!"
Anya: "But I have to-"
Becky: "HURRY UP!!!" Becky sprinted towards the schools hallways

Anya POV: Come on Becky! I need to apologize to second son! Or Papa's mission will be ruined! I guess, I should apologize another time in school.

Switching Classes

Anya: "I hate fractions, they're so hard!"
Becky: "Really?! They're super easy for me."
Anya sees Damian in the hallway.

Anya POV:
It's my chance to apologize! But- what if Becky stops me?- Eh- maybe I should make an excuse like... "I need to use the bathroom!" Or something. Yeah! That will work!

Anya: "Becky! I have to use the bathroom!"
Becky: "Huh? Oh okay! But, Damian's here so I'll take you! Y'know how Damian could be..."
Anya: "Uh.. no I can do it myself!"
Becky: "Okay, but hurry up! Our time is almost up, until the next class!"

Anya POV: This is my chance to apologize to second son! Then, Papa won't fail his mission!

Anya sprints towards second son
Damian: "Yeah, and I was like.."
Damian notices Anya sprinting at him
Damian: "Huh?"

Damian POV:
This Pink haired girl is sprinting towards me. The same one who punched me. What does she want from me?! Maybe she came to punch me again?! No she would be too scared for that, because she earned a thunderbolt last time! But.. Seriously.... what does she want!?

Anya: "S-Second son!"
Damian: "Huh, what do you want?"
Anya: "I just wanted to say s-"
The bell rang
Anya: "Uh- I'll just say it later..."
Anya ran off

Damian POV:
That was weird.. but.. I'm still wondering what does she want to say to me?...

Anya POV:
That apology failed.. I have to tell him sorry at the next time I can actually talk! Maybe... LUNCH TIME! I should tell him at lunch, because of how much time there is! Yes. I'll tell him at lunch!

Loid POV:
I heard about what happened yesterday. I need Anya to apologize to Damian Desmond. If she doesn't apologize, then we would have to go to plan b.. by making her an imperial scholar. But, from her grades that's least likely. Anya. Please apologize. And Damian, please accept the apology.


Becky: "OMG! Have you read Twilight?"
Anya: "...No?"
Becky: "Well you should!! It's about this really hot vampire! Named Edw-"
Anya didn't listen to the rest, she's more into cartoons.

Anya POV:
Okay, now I have to wait for Becky to get distracted. So I can apologize to Second son! I hope he accepts the apology.

The intercom came on and said..
"10 more minutes of lunch until class time." BEEEEEEEP.

Anya POV: Wait... how much time is 10 minutes.. I do t think that's alot of time! I need to have Becky get distracted quick!"

Loid POV:
God damn it. I have to do something quickly... I'm not a hacker but I'll try getting into the intercom section.

The Intercom came on again and said
"Becky Blackbell, please head to the Gyn. Becky Blackbell!"

Becky: "Huh- Oh I have to go! Bye Anya~San!"
Anya: "Bye Becky!"
Becky: "I wonder what they want.."
Anya: "Uhm... me too!"
Anya: "Well! I think it's important you should head there quick!"
Becky: "Bye again!"
Anya: "Bye!"

Anya POV:
Nows my chance to apologize!

Anya stepped over to Damian.

Damian: "Huh?... Oh. It's you again." He paused.
"What do you want?"
Anya: "I wanted to say that I-"
Anya accidentally read the mind of one of Damians followers.

(When sentences are written like this: ' I wonder what pizza I should have ' that means anya is reading their mind)

Follower: ' Heh! I wonder what Lord Damians gonna call her! Maybe.. Stubby legs? Heh! Maybe Raccoon with those little horns on her head! Or maybe a little gremlin! HAH! So many ways!"

Anya: "I-I-I..."

Follower: ' She's so short she can fit under a bed while standing! BAHAHA!! '

Anya: "I-I-I-I..."

Anya couldn't hold it in anymore and her tears trickled down her face like waterfalls.


Damian POV:
W-what is this feeling in my stomach...? W-why is she... so...


Damian ran away.

Loid POV:

Word count:

992 words.

"I Don't even like her!!" Anya x Damian Where stories live. Discover now