Ask her out.

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Authors Note:
Hey! Author here, I just wanted to quickly say thank you so much for reading my fanfic! Anyways, here's part 5!
The Hallway
(2 more days until the dance.)

Becky: "Anya~San!"
Anya: "Hm?"
Becky: "Aren't you excited?!"
Anya: "Excited about..what?"
Becky: sigh "Anya~San you're so dense sometimes.. I'm talking about the Remember September Dance in 2 days!"
Anya: "Oh yeah!"
Becky: "I'm probably gonna go in a group! What about you?"
Anya: "I'm probably gonna go in a group too!"
Becky: "Oh that's cool!"
Bell Rang
Becky: "Oh- bye Anya~San! Gotta head to class!"
Anya: "Bye!"
Math Class

The teacher was doing a review about fractions for the math lesson. Anya wasn't listening at all, mostly because Damian didn't accept her apology. But, also because math wasn't her favorite subject.

Anya POV:
I'm still worried about second son. He didn't accept my apology, which can lead to papa failing his mission! I need to make second son, accept my apology. Since he technically didn't accept my apology from a few days ago.

Damian POV:
I just found out the pink haired girls name, it's 'Anya.' I can't believe I fell in love with this girl and didn't even know her name. I want to ask her to the dance but... I don't know how...I've never been in a situation like this.

Damian was silently staring at Anya, Anya noticed and whispered to Becky.
Anya: "Becky?"
Becky: "What Anya~San?"
Anya: "Damian's staring at me... It's giving me the creeps."
Becky: "Huh?"
Becky turned around
Damian noticed he was staring at Anya so he quickly changed his view to instead look at his work paper.
Becky: "That's weird.."

Becky POV:
Hmmm... I wonder why Damian was staring at Anya..... HMMMM.... OH! MAYBE... AHHHHHHHH! He's in love with Anya! I need to ask him after class if he is! AHHH THIS REMINDS ME OF ONE MY FAVORITE ROMANCE NOVELS !!SQUEEEEEEE!!!

The bell rang
Teacher: "And that's are review on fractions!"
The teacher erased the text on the chalkboard.
Teacher: "Class dismissed!"

Becky ran up to Damian.
Damian: "Huh?"
Becky: "Damian! I need to ask you something!"
Damian: "What is it?"
Becky: "Do you like Anya?"
Damian paused.
Damian: "Why should I tell you?"
Becky: "Because! I'm Anya's best friend! Which if you do have a crush on her, I could easily be your wingman!"
Damian: sigh "Fine okay."
Damian: "I maybe like Anya...."
Becky: "You mean you do?"
Damian: "Yeah... whatever..."
Becky: "Then Ask her out!"
Damian: "That's what I WANT to do but... I'm not sure if she would say yes..."
Becky: "Don't worry! I'll just say I'm going with someone, so she will have to have a date!"
Damian: "Uh.. okay then."
Becky: "ANYA~SAN!!!"
Becky walked over to Anya
Anya: "Huh?"
Becky: "I just wanted to say that I found a date!"
Anya: "So?"
Becky: "You have to find a date too! Security won't let in a group of 3!"
Anya: "Ugh- okay..."
Becky: "Bye Anya!"
Becky: "Oh and also!"
Anya: "What?"
Becky: "Someone left a note in your locker!"
Anya: "I'll go check it."
Anya's Locker
The note was taped on the locker wall where she Anya can see it infront of her.
Anya: "What the.."
The note said: 'Look behind you Anya.'
Anya turned around to see Daimon with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.
Anya: "Damian?.."
Damian: "H-hi Anya.."
Anya: "Hi, what do you want?"
Damian: "I just wanted to say that...."
Anya: "...?"
Daiman: "Anya Forger... Will you go to the dance with me?..."
When Anya was about to say no. She remembered that this was a chance to become Daiman's friend.
Anya: ".....Y-yes.. I'll go to the dance with you.."
Daiman was so happy that he pulled Anya in for a romantic hug.
Anya blushed a little.

Anya POV:
Do I... like daiman...

Word count: 650 words

Thanks for all the support guys!


&quot;I Don't even like her!!&quot; Anya x Damian Where stories live. Discover now