Crushing defeat

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No matter how much Bakugo struggled, y/n's hands were sealed tight with an iron grip on his forearms.

She just wouldn't let go of him.

"What's wrong?" She asked confidently.

"R-release me!"

"Not until you tap out."

The boy grit his teeth, how terribly humiliating it was for him to get pinned and overpowered like this in front of all his classmates...

She leaned closer to him, murmuring into his ear. "What are you gonna do about it?"

His ear tingled. The boy froze for a second, as if his strenght was waning.

Y/n smiled down at him. His eyes had a certain look about them, they weren't his usual angry eyes... yet they were widened.

Did... did he like that? The thought crossed y/n's mind.

"You're so..." She stood with her face a few centimetres from his nose. "...weak."

Bakugo whined silently, yet he blushed, for but a moment... as he was locked down beneath her and there was nothing he could do... her assertiveness excited him. He liked a challenge, but noone would have guessed this.

"G-get off-... me-.." He quivered, embarassed.

"You know the easy way out, explosion boy." She lifted his right arm and tapped it three times to the ground. "Tap, tap... tap." Y/n giggled.

"N-never... I'll never tap out-..." he grunted.

"Then we'll stay like this forever, won't we?"

Bakugo curled his fists, shaking... there was really no escape from her lock... and the wind started to hurt him. In a very out-of-characterly fashion, the boy decides to tap out.The entirety of Class 1A gasped, Aizawa included.

Y/n let him go, standing back up and looming over him triumphantly.

He bit his lower lip, distraught.He had never felt so weak... and so good.

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