Wedding-Final Chapter

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So, this was it. You were finally getting married.

When you were younger, your mother always explained how she got married, and how it would look like for you. When you got older, you would find a handsome guy to settle down with. Someone that you could call the love of your life. She even talked over the possibility of you having kids, and so that she could be a grandmother. Your mother, she always loved weddings. Especially when she was a kid, she loved going to weddings, it was so pretty and fancy to her. But, would she enjoy coming to yours now? While you were getting married to a demon? I mean, its definitely not the prettiest place in the universe. Even with that in mind, you still wrote and sent an invitation. Since you didn't exactly know how to send the things, you gave the card to Lilith and she said that she would take care of it. You only hoped that she was right.

Since you-and currently, the other staff members of the hotel-are on good terms with some of the angels that were high up in the ranks, you hoped that your mother would come. You weren't sure if it was even possible for them to let and angel into hell temporarily, but you wished that if she was able to come and see you and Alastor get married, that she would. She would finally be able to meet the man who you fell in love with. Even if he isn't exactly what she has in mind when she hears that your getting married. But, he was the man you loved. The man that you felt as though you could never give up. The man that you wanted to be with forever, for all of eternity.

It was the day of the wedding, Charlie figured you and him could get married at the hotel. But she wanted to make it look nice and, she also loves decorating. You always figured that, if you got married, then it would be somewhere like a church. But then again, you also didn't expect to get married in hell, either. Charlie said that she invited a few people, but not too many. Though, she didn't tell you who. But she said it was only a couple of them. On the topic of people, Alastor nominated Husk as his best man. And Nifty wanted to be the flower girl. Charlie wanted to be at the stand and say everything, she wanted to wed you two. And Angel wanted to walk you up there.

It was about two months after Alastor proposed to you. When you and him told everyone, Angel was the one who said that he wanted to help you with everything. Picking out the dress, the hair, the makeup, ect. But, Vaggie was the one who settled on finding the right dress. After some arguing between her and Angel, he eventually gave in. But, said that he was still doing your hair and makeup. Around a week or two ago, Vaggie found you a dress. And to say the least, it was beautiful. It was a little difficult to find a dress, seeing as though not everyone gets married in hell. But she managed to find you a gorgeous one. It was very long, reaching a bit past your feet. It was a vibrant white, and flowy. It had little roses that decorated the bottom of the dress and smaller ones that decorated around the rest of the dress a little bit. The neck of the dress came down just enough to show a little of your cleavage. Nearby the bottom of your legs on the dress, there was a lace floral design. Of course, the dress was stunning. But when you tried it on and looked in the mirror, you looked amazing. It was beautiful and it clung to your figure perfectly.

"Damn Y/ look fuckin gorgeous." Angel said. While you were admiring yourself in the mirror, he was standing behind you. You appreciated the complement but under your smile, you were nervous. Sooo nervous. Not because you were marrying him, you loved him. But this was a big day, what if you mess it up somehow? You sighed and turned around, throwing your arms around Angel and hugging him.

"Something wrong?" He asked as you pulled away.

"I'm scared..what if something goes wrong? What if I mess it up? If I do, what if he doesn't want to marry me anymore?" You said as Angel laughed a bit.

"He loves you, he would marry you no matter what. And I sincerely doubt that you'll mess something up. So stop worrying, okay?" He asked as you nodded, he turned you around so you could face the mirror.

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