Chapter 4:Talk

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It has been a week since the battle and ritsuka for the first time Commanding the ship girl.

Some of the girls thank him for his tactics but some still don't want to get close to him due to reason.

The majority of the girls that like him are the little destroyers as they were shown the video of the ritsuka transformation and they think of him as a superhero.

Well now what about the man himself...well he is crying like a man while standing in front of the newly renovated dorm for the Sakura empire.

Beside him is his Trusty's maid Belfast who smiles at her master.

And behind those two is the Sakura empire aircraft carrier's first division.

Kaga:"what is he doing?"

Akagi:"so cute~"


Akagi:"so maid,what happened to the commander?"

Akagi looks at ritsuka crying manly while holding his wallet as a sad noise coming out from it.



Four days ago...

Ritsuka:"so you can help me renovate everyone's dorm and you can get me the supply that is needed for the base.

???:"of course nya~ doing those tasks is easy nya~"

Ritsuka:"thank you akashi, you're a big help."

Akashi:"we're not done yet commander nya~"

Ritsuka:"eh?what do you mean?I thought I already gave you the list-"

Akashi:"It's about the 'Money'"

Ritsuka looks at the girl confused and shocked.... selling on this island where most things come from the mainland...!

He then remembered what Belfast told him before meeting akashi...

Belfast(past):"never,I mean Never look at  akashi eyes when you are dealing with business with her or you got caught in her trap."

Ritsuka just has not looked at her while talking about money.

Akashi:"commander it's not good to look away while people talking nya~"

Plan fail.

Akashi:"well you don't have to do much since here I give you the receipt for all purchases."

Ritsuka looks at the paper....he lost most of his soul due to how many zeroes is even more than the base budget but his savings still can pay for it.

Ritsuka:"a-akashi don't you think this too much?"


Ritsuka looked at the list again and he saw many things he did not write such as PS5, clothes thread,toy,part that doesn't necessarily and text books?

Ritsuka:"wait why are there many things that I didn't list here-"

Akashi pulls the ritsuka collar and whispers something to him.

Akashi:"commander don't you want to gain the trust of the ship girl."

Ritsuka stops struggling and his face turns stoic as he listens closely.

Akashi:"you see before this we don't have much budget so we can't afford all this but now since you just won and we get to loot the siren ship,there was money that we could spend."


Akashi immediately activates something on her collar wait why does the gadget look like from detective con-?

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