Chapter 28

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Peace and Ntando were brushing their teeth when her phone kept vibrating, "Whose texting you at this hour?" "It's the bible verse notification", she lied. Ntando joined others ash she whopped to bed while Peace stood there drinking more water.

"Meet me outside right now."

She grabbed her hoodie, a bottle of water and her phone and went outside. "What are you doing? You want people to get suspicious?" "Is that all you care about? After whoring yourself at those games, you care about what they think of you?", Peace got closer to him to get a better view of his face as it was still dark. "Did you just call me a whore?", she was pissed, "You know what I meant", he said realizing he was wrong, "No I don't, and I don't even know why I'm here" "You like Loyd now?", she threw her hands out in disbelief, "Why do you care? I don't interrogate you about Maddy every time I see y'all hook up, let me live my life". He got closer, "I don't like it when you're all over my friends like that", Peace laughed, "Unbelievable, well you going to have to suck that up because I'm here to stay". 

She walked away but he grabbed her hand, "If you continue with this, I will tell them about us", she stepped back, "Don't touch me! You're so miserable you want to drag me there with you. I feel for Maddy having to deal with you must be emotionally draining", he got mad, "Don't you ever talk to me like that." "Boy make a decision and stick to it, I ain't going to stop my life just to please your confused ass", she tried to walk away again. "How do you think I felt when you kept on drooling over him, you made it obvious you wanted him, you could have rejected that kiss." "I wanted it too; I said nothing when you showed up at my game's night uninvited with your girlfriend for me to watch. I don't want you in my life, you're too toxic for me!"

"Guys, keep it down it's only a matter of time before you wake everyone up", they were startled by Nadia's voice whose said that and went back inside without saying anything else.

They moved further away from the house and lights, they only had the moon shining over them, "I am sorry I made you feel like that.", he spoke again once they were sitting on the grass watching the moon. "I want us to stop this before hurting people around us." "Tazz thinks I had found out about the games night just when they were leaving but I knew about it for a while, I heard from Nadia, I was hurt you did not invite me.", he looked at her, "I was avoiding all of this", she said still staring at the moon. "I understand why you hate me,", she stopped him, "I don't hate you I just hate how you are complicating my life hence I don't want you in it." "Look at me", she knew he was starting with his games, "You know I hate when you do this", she continued staring at the moon. "I wish things were different or it was easy to make some changes. You know how I feel about you, and I know I have a girlfriend I should be feeling like that with Maddy, but I can't control what I feel. You're right, I will leave you alone", she looked at him, he was serious, "Thank you", her heart was still longing for him, but this had to stop. They got up, and dusted some dirt from their clothes, they looked at each other for a while before she walked off and left him standing alone watching her.

'Don't look back.'

Well, that did not work out, Peace ran back to Akwande, hugging him instantly. "Thank you", he said as they passionately kissed and got vulnerable with each other, he put his hand under her hoodie to feel her skin, "Ouch! Your hands are cold" "Sorry, you'll get used to it". She clenched into Akwande as he placed her against the tree, their kiss escalated, and a few moans and groans kept escaping. "This is wrong", she whispered, "Don't think too much, no one is going to find us here", he replied, going down on his knees. Just when she realized her underwear was off, she felt his tongue dancing around her clitoris, and she was receiving her best head. She was unable to hold on any longer she was losing her balance as her legs gave up and she let out one loud moan as she exploded in his face.

He kissed the top of her forehead then her lips, "Let's go before we get caught" "What about you", he planted small kisses on her neck, "You needed this more than I did besides I find pleasure in your pleasure". After dressing properly, Peace went back to the house then after a few minutes Akwande followed.

In the morning, everyone was trying to nurse their hangover, once everyone was awake, she thanked them for coming. "I'm still surprised you woke up after 9, you usually wake up before any of us when you slept drunk", Azana said, "I was not that drunk I drank a lot of water", "I can tell, you're glowing and you look so happy if I was not drinking with you I was going to deny you did", Ntando commented, "Guys stop, anyone hungry?" "Girl, save that money it's too late now y'all should be checked out by 11:30", Nadia said packing her stuff into her bag. "Bye everyone, I really enjoyed spending time with y'all I hope this could happen again", Ethan said as they were leaving, Rea and Ndu followed. "I see Xavier and Maddy used the couch, poor couch", Josh spoke as they were also leaving, "At first I thought I was dreaming but I definitely know the sound of it", Peace held her breath as her heart pumped against her chest.

'Was I that loud? Someone, please talk about something else'

"You were having a wet dream, no one fucked here", Josh was ready to convince Akwande but saw the look on his face and dropped it. They said their goodbyes, while Peace avoided eye contact with Akwande, "I hope you still remember our date", Tazz said to her as they hugged. While Peace and her friends waited for their ride, "Where did you go when we were all supposed to be sleeping", Azana caught her off guard, "We thought we were going to ask you at Res but the ride is taking too long and we are alone so you might as well start explaining", Mandy added. She figured all her friends knew she had snuck out, "I needed some air, so I went to watch the moon outside" "And?", Omuhle asked, "And what? Y'all got something to say?", she wanted to know how much they knew. "All we know is Josh ain't the only one who heard some noise", her face got flushed with embarrassment. "Fine, I was with someone we did not fuck, he just went down on me", her friends screamed in excitement. "Tell us everything", Mandy said, "He was the one bombing your phone with messages", Ntando said, "How did y'all exchange numbers", Omuhle asked. "One question at a time, please.", she said, "It is just crazy how we all knew you and Loyd were going to hook up from that kiss alone"

'Oh boy! We're talking about different people here?!'

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