Chapter 11: Message

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I've never been the type to sit down and start watching a show that's had more than two seasons, let alone fifteen

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I've never been the type to sit down and start watching a show that's had more than two seasons, let alone fifteen. But I turned on the TV when I couldn't sleep and I found a series called Supernatural that was being watched.

I had it on in the background at first, but, I can't believe I'm saying this, it's not bad.

I didn't even realize Maya was back until she spoke. "What are you doing?" She walked over to me and took the remote from the table. "Who told you you could watch that? I had it where I left off." She tried to go back a few episodes, back to where I started and she ended.

"It was there, so I turned it on. What's your problem? It's just a series." Damn good one.

"How can you even watch anything if you haven't seen the two first seasons before that?" She frowned at me.

"Used my imagination." I shrugged.

"Really?" She looked at me. "That sure went well." She turned off the internet and put something else on there. "Watch your own series." She threw me the remote and walked past me into her room.

I didn't know she owned that series.

I switched program after program but couldn't find anything that was even remotely good.

"Shit." I was startled when I heard Maya's voice coming from the bathroom and then a crash.

"This fucking woman." I got up from the couch and went to the bathroom. I knocked. "Everything okay?"

"Leave me alone." She said from behind the door.

I rolled my eyes before grabbing the handle and opening the door wide. It should be locked. She probably isn't used to that. But she should start if she doesn't want her brother to see her naked once.

"What are you doing?" She screamed as she tried to cover herself with her hands as she was only in a bra and jeans.

Normally my gaze would be on her tits, but right now it's on her shoulder where the bleeding wound is. I looked down at the bandage by the sink and the first aid kit.

"What happened?" I walked up to her.

"Get out." She tried to push me away.

"Show me that." I nodded my head on her shoulder.

"I'm fine, leave." She kept trying to cover her body with her hands.

Without saying a word, I grabbed her hand so I could look at it. It's not deep enough to have stitches, but she should treat it properly if she doesn't want to have problems with it.

"So now you're a doctor?" She raised an eyebrow and snorted.

I grabbed her hips and lifted her to a spot next to the sink. Maya yelped and swore.

I opened the aid kit and took out a new bandage and disinfectant.

"What happened?" How can she get into so much trouble in just one week?

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