Chapter 43: Her every side

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He's gone

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He's gone.

Like a snap of a finger. You live each day and you never know which will be your last. It just happens and we have no control over it.

Who knows what it would be like if we only made one different decision in life. Maybe what happened wouldn't have happened.

He might still be alive.

Maybe he would have a normal life.

But now it's too late. He is dead.

"Maya." Acker's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up from the coffee at him. "He woke up." He smiled.

"Oh God." I exhaled and wanted to cry from happiness. Theo woke up.

I stood up from the hospital chair and went to room number 073.

My gaze fell on the white room, which was painful to look at, and Theo in bed, half-sitting.

“I'll give you a second." I felt Acker's hand on my shoulder for a moment before he disappeared.

"You didn't leave." It was a reproach. “You didn't go away and got shot." I crossed my arms over my breasts. "How stupid can you be?"

"You're welcome for saving your life." He laughed and braced himself to move a little higher, hissing in pain as he made the sudden move.

I jumped to him, worried that he had torn his stitches. "Careful." If I could hit him, I would. He has to be careful.

"What about your shoulder?"

"They put it back in place. And my head is fine, just a few bruises and scratches." I pointed to my forehead, which probably suffered the most.

"I'm glad." He pointed to the seat next to him for me to sit down.

I didn't hesitate and sat down. “You scared me to death, Theo." I finally said. "Don't ever do that again."

Yes, I'm supposed to hate him, but he took a bullet for me and Acker. I think he deserves at least a small chance.

"Me? You crashed your car and got kidnapped. If anyone was going to be scared, it was me."

"How did you get here so fast?"

"I didn't leave. I stayed at the hotel. And I'm glad I did."

"You idiot." I shook my head. “You should've left."

“Again, you're welcome." He smiled, and I'm pretty sure it was some drugs they gave him.

"Please don't do this ever again."

"I can't Maya. You are my sister, I will always try to protect you." As if the small pieces of stone that I had around my heart slowly began to fall away.

“Shit, Theo." I laughed, but I felt tears on the edge of my face. He reached out to me and brushed my cheek. "I was afraid you wouldn't wake up." I took a shaky breath and grabbed his hand on my cheek. "I'm sorry for what I said."

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