You knew the password, so I let you in the door

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*Tyler's POV*
I wrote a lot with Xavier for the rest of the evening. I am very surprised that we get along pretty well. I also tried calling Wednesday a few times but no one answered.
When it was already very late I texted Xavier that I was going to sleep and wished him a good night in his, well... cozy cabin.
I set an alarm because I have to work tomorrow. I quickly fell asleep and dreamed about Wednesday.

*Wednesday POV*
Of course, when Enid and I walked into the room, she immediately had to ask what Tyler and I were doing alone. I didn't answer her. Luckily she accepted it. Enid then said goodbye for the evening as she was due to meet up with Ajax. I was now alone in the room with Thing and thought about Tyler. He's never been as cold as he was towards me today. But I understand him, first I say he's Hyde and I want to be left alone, then I go after him and ask him out on a second date. I can't even think about it, I'm ashamed of myself. I pulled the letter he once sent me out of the trash can. I must have read it through hundreds of times. I was really bored so I decided to listen to music and write a letter to Tyler as well. I sat at it easily for two hours, but I didn't like anything I wrote. I finally balled it up and stuffed it in my desk drawer. It wasn't really late, but since I had nothing to do I just went to sleep.

*Tyler's POV*
I was woken up by my annoying alarm clock and I had to get up for the annoying work. I really didn't feel like getting out of my cozy bed. I went to the bathroom and freshened up, then I went down the stairs and saw my father sitting at the kitchen table. "We need to talk tonight." he told me. Great, I'm looking forward to that after work too, to a talk with my father. Can't say which of the two is more strenuous. I left the house and got in my car. During the drive I thought about Wednesday, I hope that she might come to the café today. When I got to work, I put on my apron and was immediately greeted by Ivy, I mean she is nice but very pushy."

Ivy: "Good morning, you feel better today?"
Tyler: "Huh? what?"
Ivy: "Well, you called in sick yesterday."
Tyler: "Oh yeah."
Ivy: "Don't ever do that again, you can't ever leave me alone alone. It was terrible without you."

I gave her a cold look and got to work. Despite everything, I was in a good mood. I felt like things Wednesday were finally going to get better. Ivy noticed my good mood too, and of course she had to ask me about it. I tried to ignore it as best I could, just hoping every time the door opened it was Wednesday.
And indeed, she really came in that door. My lucky day. She, Enid and Ajax walked into the Weathervane and with a big smile I greeted them. I wanted to kiss Wednesday on her cheek, but she avoided it. It felt like my heart broke into millions of pieces, dammit. That hurt. And it was also very uncomfortable because probably everyone in the café noticed that. Ivy's gotten even more pushy since Wednesday's at the Cafe. When I had a break, I wanted to sit down with them at the table, but she took my hand and showed me a book, which she's reading at the moment. I was only half listening so I only understood a few words, how it changes you, positive mindset, life changer...
I'm sure she knew I wasn't really listening, but that didn't stop her from talking to me about it. She's really stubborn. Am I annoying Wednesday like Ivy is annoying me? When she finished talking about that book, which I really couldn't care less about and brought it back to the break room, I took the chance and went to go to Wednesday. I greeted her with a smile but she just gave me a cold look. I whispered in her ear what's going on and just got a cold look again. I didn't understand anything anymore, yesterday she was so different to me. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks and quickly walked to the break room. I'm such a crybaby. Why would she even like a softie like me? Ivy noticed and followed me. I sat there in a chair and tried to calm down. She put an arm around me and said, "It's because of her, isn't it? She doesn't deserve you. Don't let her treat you like that, it will only break you. You deserve someone who treats you well and makes you happy."
But yesterday Wednesday made me so happy, what happened in the few hours? What has changed? I couldn't just leave it like that and went back to their table. I grabbed Wednesday's hand and dragged her into the break room. I sent Ivy out, she stroked my cheek and said, "if you say so, sweetie."
I was supposed to have a little talk with Wednesday here, but for some reason she got really pissed off. She glared at me and asked if I was serious. I didn't understand what she meant but she left the room and also left the café. I wanted to go after her, but Enid held me and told me to give her some rest and come to the Nevermore later. She would not be in the room either, because she's with Ajax today. I nodded and thanked her, she smiled at me.

Enid: "Tyler, I know it's difficult with her. I can't understand everything either, I don't understand some of her actions. But you mean something to her, I think she's just overwhelmed, she doesn't know about things like that. But give it not up, not yet."
Tyler: "I hope you're right."

I worked for another two hours until I didn't feel like doing anything anymore, I couldn't concentrate at all anyway. I ran straight to my car and drove to Nevermore. I went to Wednesday's room and knocked. Thing opened the door for me, Wednesday sat at her desk and typed something on her typewriter. When she saw me standing there, she immediately stood up.

Tyler: "I don't understand what went wrong. After yesterday I thought everything would be fine and today at the coffee shop you're treating me like we don't know each other. I'm doing my best, I'm trying, I'm really trying. I know you said you're not the type of person to have a relationship, but the way you were yesterday...that couldn't just have been an exception, or was it? I'm so confused, you give me very different signals. You can trust me, please."
Wednesday: "No, it's not an exception. And I don't believe anymore that you're Hyde, Im really trusting you. But I am scared of the feelings I have for you."
Tyler: "I get it, they scare me too. You're the first one I've felt that way about. I don't want to hurt you, I love you Wednesday."

*Wednesday POV*
I couldn't believe what I just heard. I looked at him with wide eyes, I wanted to say something, but I couldn't. I was afraid that he would get mad, because I didn't say anything. But he wasn't mad at all.

Tyler: "That took your breath away, didn't it?" he even laughed while saying that.
Tyler: "That's okay, I mean you told me you're not a relationship person. I get it, if you don't feel that way you don't have to say it back."
Wednesday: "But that's not how it is." I said it in a soft tone but with a cold look. I turned away because I couldn't look him in the eyes.

I looked over my shoulder and saw that he was getting closer to me. I turned around and looked into his eyes, he whispered in my ear, "I want you Wednesday, no matter how complicated it is. But I don't want to get my hopes up unless you really want it too."
I had goosebumps all over my body. I looked down and said, "I've never let anyone get to know me like that, I despised everyone in the world who wasn't my family. And then you came along and like I'd never been any different, I just let you walk into my life like you know the password no one else knows."
I saw a big smile on his lips, he took my face in his hands, kissed me and said "I love you. Hopefully you'll come visit me again tomorrow, but then please don't ignore me. Otherwise Ivy thinks she has a chance. "
I stood there as if I am rooted to the spot, completely perplexed, I first had to process what had happened right now. I couldn't say anything, he just walked out of my room, smiled at me briefly before closing the door. I felt very warm and now I was standing there in the middle of my room.
What just happened? How does he do that? How does he make me feel that way? I'm confused by my own feelings. Did he really say he loves me? I never thought I could be loved.

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