chapter seventeen.

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(Y/n) slumped onto the couch, phone in hand. She leaned back, allowing her feet to dangle over the armrest as she laid back onto the baby barf-colored cushions.

"So you're just about there, right?" she asked, running her fingers through her hair absentmindedly. Her stray pieces were splayed above her head, taking up whatever space was left on the couch. "And Junichiro didn't let you drive, correct?"

"Yes, yes. We're pulling up now," Dazai replied, his voice slightly muffled through the phone. "I'm not behind the wheel this time."

"Okay and remember to get the phone number of the area owner so we can call and get a confirmation on a time and date? But only after we're sure that it's the spot, Osamu."

She heard the engine turn off and a car door slam from the other side of the line. "I'm on my way to get it now. We can call him when we're back tonight."

It was starting to become a hassle to go to the payphone on the edge of the city to make even the simplest of phone calls. Kunikida was finally able (and coerced) into using his special ability to create phones that wouldn't bounce signals off of phone towers – at least not the ones that were around them. It was quite the genius piece of equipment and a very useful one.

"So...?" (Y/n) sat up, grabbing her knees to keep her upright. "Is it good?"

"It's great." Dazai didn't even hesitate in his response. She was sure he was going to make some joke or try to trick her into thinking he didn't like it at first but then reveal that it was the "perfect spot". It was a relief and somewhat concerning that he didn't.

Maybe it was because they'd spent so long in solitary. They'd been in the safe house for a little over two weeks, but things were really starting to change. She wasn't growing tired of Dazai – not a chance. In fact, she could feel their relationship growing stronger with every passing moment.

Maybe it was a good thing they were stuck with one another. She wasn't sure if they would've been able to mend their relationship if they weren't stuck with one another for even longer prolonged periods of time.

"That is excellent!" she exclaimed with a squeal. "Get the number and then come back. We can really get the ball rolling once we get the confirmation."

"Yes ma'am." She could hear his sleeve rustle – she knew that he was saluting her. "I'll see you soon. Love you."

"Love you too." (Y/n) clapped the phone shut, placing it on the coffee table next to her. She released her knees and fell back onto the couch cushions with a slight bounce.

As she rested on the couch, her hand fell over her forehead. She eventually noticed the slight scar at the bottom of her palm from a few nights prior. Even while using her abilities, it took her much longer to heal herself than it normally would. There was even a scar – which was a rare and concerning occurrence.

She knew she couldn't say anything to Dazai about it – it would lead to more worry that wasn't needed. Nor could she say it to Kunikida – who was already worrying her for other reasons. She certainly couldn't say anything to the other members of the Agency, it would take a lot longer to explain the more complicated parts of her special ability than it would for her to just figure it out herself. She wasn't even sure she could figure it out herself.

(Y/n) knew she had to ask someone who knew the ins and outs of her ability that wouldn't freak out over her little cut more than she already was. She could not ask Chuuya – his connection with Arahabaki and use of ability could kill him. She was the complete opposite.

There was the smallest part of her that wanted to connect with Ryuji and talk to him. These were the times that she missed being able to summon him as her water dragon companion. Things had changed and she was no longer sure it was for the better.

the beauty of water: resurfaced | o. dazai ✔Where stories live. Discover now