chapter twenty-four.

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Yosano dragged Ranpo behind her, practically snoring as they made their way through the hospital. Yosano had a small bouquet of flowers in a vase while Ranpo was munching on bag of mini strawberry Pop-Tarts.

Yosano had to nearly throw Ranpo out of his bed that morning, especially since they were going to spend a majority of the day in the hospital with Dazai and (Y/n). They hadn't heard much since the day before – not even from Kunikida, who'd been keeping them updated every hour or so regarding Dazai and (Y/n)'s status. Yosano noted that most of it was regarding (Y/n), whether Kunikida meant to make it that way or not.

Ranpo abruptly stopped. Yosano snapped her head back, about to ask why he was stopping before she looked in the direction he was. Down the hall, Kunikida was sitting on one of the benches, head in his hands as he leaned forward.

Yosano couldn't hold back the sense of dread she felt all throughout her. She turned to Ranpo and asked, "Why do you think Kunikida is so mopey this morning?"

"I have an idea." He led the way over to Kunikida.

They stopped in front of the blond, prompting him to look up at the both of them. His eyes were red and slightly puffy. While he wasn't crying now, Yosano knew that he had been crying at some point.

"What's going on, Kunikida?" she questioned. "Is something wrong with Dazai?"

"No, Dazai is doing fine," he replied, his voice slightly hoarse. "He woke up last evening and talked to (Y/n) for a bit before going back to sleep."

She and Ranpo let out the quietest sighs. "That's good to hear. Speaking of (Y/n)," Yosano looked around for a split second, "where is she?"

"I don't know."

She looked back down to him, placing her free hand on her hip as she retorted, "You don't know? Why don't you know?"

Before he could answer, Ranpo stated, "Because he confessed his feelings to (Y/n) and she didn't take it well."

"You did what?!"

Kunikida quickly stood, holding his hands up as he explained, "I know I'm responsible for my own actions and I found that maybe it was now or never. I didn't know if there was going to be another chance to find out if there was a chance before the actual wedding."

"Are you serious?" Yosano hissed. "Why would you think that this was an appropriate time to do that?"

"Like I said: now or never. Besides, you were the one who suggested I do it before the wedding."

"I said that you shouldn't but if you had to, you should've done it before the wedding. That does not mean that you should do it after a traumatic event and in the hospital while her fiancé is lying on what could've been his death bed!"

"I don't know what else to say. I thought this was my last chance – I know it wasn't appropriate—"

"Damn right it wasn't appropriate." Yosano pinched the bridge of her nose. "Kunikida, what were you thinking?"

Ranpo cut in with his own thoughts, "He was thinking that since (Y/n) was in a tough and emotional situation that she'd be more in touch with her own emotions. Prompting what Kunikida thought would've been a romantic mutual confession."

"'Romantic mutual confession'?"

All three turned towards the new voice. There stood Dazai in his hospital gown, socks, and slippers. His hair was flatter than usual and he was paler. Even without the attire, he would've looked incredibly sickly and weak.

"Who's confessing what to who?" he asked, looking between all of them for an answer.

He quickly got it as Yosano and Ranpo looked over to Kunikida, who was staring at the ground. Shame wafted off of him, his eyes kept down and his face fell at the sound and sight of his colleague.

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