Ch. 3

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The rest of welcome week had been spent with Ben and I hanging in Ben's big bed, only ever leaving to get food. Which to be fair meant we were leaving fairly often, for Ben likes to eat every other second it seemed. Finally, welcome week came to an end, and classes began today. It was hard for Ben to understand at first that college wasn't going to be just fucking and eatting lol. We paid tuition to go here and take class, so that's exactly what we had to do.

Since I was a biology major and Ben was a communications major, we didn't have any classes together. Ben was sad when I left in the morning, but I knew I needed to focus so I could maintain my nerd status by getting good grades.

My BIO 110 class was mostly humans. We had a human BIO teacher, and aside from the higher ceilings and the 4 giant students in the back of class, things felt normal. While in class I heard people whispering about the biggest giant they'd ever seen being on campus. I blushed with pride knowing they were most likely talking about Ben. My Ben. The biggest strongest guy ever!

When I went to my second class of the day, Chemistry 111, I noticed a couple of people from my BIO class were also in my chemistry class. We sat together and eventually found ourselves grabbing lunch together after class.

"Tim, you have to come to the marvel club meeting later! I'm bringing brownies!" my new friend Amanda announced.

"I'm bringing chips and dip. It's going to be lit. We're having the meeting in the lounge in the honors dorm. There's be lots of snacks, and there's a big screen and everything!" my new friend Eli said.

"Man, I do want to see the lounge. I'd done the virtual tour of the honors dorm back when I was supposed to be staying there,"

"Wait, what building are you in? It's weird you're an honors student but you're not in our building,"

"Oh.. yeah, there was a mix up and I got moved to Grande Hall,"

"Grande hall? Wait... isn't that an all giant dorm?"

"Umm... yeah... but they ran out of human dorms so I live in a giant dorm,"

"Whoa. That must be pretty intimidating," Amanda replied.

"It's not so bad actually, in fact... I've kind of been seeing my roommate already."

"Dude! No way!!! You landed a giant?!" Eli exclaimed, clearly surprised. "Bro, you gotta bring him to Marvel club tonight,"

"What size is the lounge? He's um... a pretty big guy,"

"The lounge is co-ed, and we've rented the area out, so he can totally come!"

Somehow I didn't think this was the best idea... I'd heard people talking about Ben being a scary big giant back in my bio class earlier... what if he killed the vibe at this marvel hang. Wait! I need to stop acting ashamed. So what Ben's big. He's always friendly and sweet. Plus the big guy could use some friends after all.

Later, Ben and I made our way across campus to the honors college dorm that was originally meant to be my temporary home.

"Do you think they'll like me?" Ben asked, seeming nervous to meet new people.

"Yep. Just be yourself, and I'm sure everything will be fine," I replied, trying my best to reassure Ben.

Of course, things were not completely fine, for everyone seemed to flip out at how huge Ben was. In addition, when Ben stood up, it seemed hard for him to see the humans below him when his belly created blind spots, so Ben kept almost running into people, which was definitely alarming.

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