Ch. 4

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So when I'd told Ben that if he gets bigger and stronger, I'll only love him more, I didn't necessarily intend for him to react in the way he's reacted. I'd really meant that should he naturally have a growth spurt, I won't stop dating him over it. Of course, Ben isn't just letting nature take its course. For the past few weeks he's been obsessed with getting bigger, so that I'll love him more... I keep telling him I love him regardless of his size, but now the big guy is obsessed.

He started going to an on campus gym, which really stirred things up when he was of course too big and too strong for even the giant sized equipment. Now, one of the personal trainers at the gym, Javier, has been working with Ben to help maximize his gains and growth. The effects so far are both outrageously sexy and alarming. It's only been a few weeks since christmas break, and Ben has already grown to stand at 20 ft tall, and has put on a couple tons in weight. He's done all this through his natural genes, his new diet, that includes gainer shakes and superfoods, and his new Javier approved workout regimen that includes muscle building exercises, and a series of lifts Ben now performs with any item he deems heavy enough to create a challenge. He's been bench pressing cars, trucks, both suited for humans and giants.

As Ben's grown it's becoming even more difficult for him to fit anywhere on campus. He's had teachers excusing him from attending classes in person, the housing office is working on getting him a bigger dorm, and the university has apparently had to hire more staff for the dining halls since Ben eats so much, so frequently, and so fast.

Since growing to 20 feet tall, Ben is officially the second tallest person to ever live, being only 5 inches shorter than the tallest man alive, Reed Jacobson. At the rate Ben was growing, it's looking like my big guy will be the tallest man on earth very soon. He's probably already the heaviest man alive haha. We still haven't found a scale that can measure that stat.

Ben rumbled into our dorm, as his curly brown hair scraped the ceiling. I was still getting used to the fact that Ben could now lift me up with just one of his massive hands. He of course barreled towards me, scooped me up, and laid down on the two giant sized mattresses pushed together to create our bed. We've been sleeping on the mattresses on the floor ever since the bed frame broke under Ben's enormous weight about a week ago.

"Hey little buddy! Guess what?!"

"What big guy?"

"I lifted so much today! A big big truck. And it's getting even easier. I'm getting stronger for you little buddy. You like me bigger and stronger right?"

"Of course. You are doing so great Ben."

"Hey... I was wondering... do you maybe want to go out off campus some time? I haven't been to a normal restaurant in soo long!"

"Umm, sure... but Ben, are you sure there's a restaurant that can feed you around here? Let alone that you could even fit into?"

"You're so silly little buddy. I'm too big and strong now for any little guys to turn me away. Not when I need to take my little buddy out,"

It turns out, Ben was correct. We entered a restaurant called Big Buffalo Steakhouse, where Javier had somehow snagged Ben a groupon for unlimited dinner. Ben had tried his best to dress nicely, I could tell. He wore all black, and had clearly tried to comb his curly hair. I was touched that Ben was taking me out to a fancy nice restaurant, but I was also worried this restaurant wouldn't know what was coming for them.

Ben and I walked in... well Ben walked, and carried me of course. Although most of the staff here were giants, they looked small from the angle I had being held by Ben.

A Giant Among GiantsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon