Hospital 2

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Parker's Pov

I woke up at 7 am, to a loud knock on the door. I look towards the bed where Ebony lays, just to find she is gone and so is Peyton.

I jump off the couch real quick, a ran to the door. I open up the door to find Vincent there, out of breath. I was going to yell at him when he started talking first.

" I know what you're going to say, and let me tell she fast one"

" What do you mean she fasts one!?"

" I told her that she was not allowed to leave, without your guy's permission. Then she and Peyton took off run. I chased after them, then they stop at the stairwell. And she over the rail-"

" She what!?"

"She jumped over the railing, then I lost them"

By this time Elijah had woke up, and was right by my side, with a angry expression on his face.

I know he is not angry at Ebony but angry at the fact that she is not taking it easy.

" So, now where is she," Elijah said

" I don't know"

" But I do," Matt said, walking into the room.

" Where," we both said.

" She and Peyton are at the kid/ patient area. Which is 2 floors from here"

" Thanks, Matt," I said.

Me, Elijah, and Vincent rush to the area. Once we get there, we see Ebony and Peyton playing Uno. Once Ebony sees us she gets up, ready to run again.

" Stop right there," Elijah said.

" Look I know it looks bad, but I hate hospitals. I just want to go home"

" Well let's get back to the room, and see what Matt said"

" Fine, Wait Matt's here"

There she goes again, Ebony ran all the way back to the room where Matt was there waiting for her.

Ebony's Pov

" So..."

" Really Ebony, you had to jump the railing," Matt said, while giving me the look.

" You know I hate being in the hospital."

" You jump the railing, when you just got shot. On top of that to jump with Peyton in arms, something bad could happen."

" Ok ok, lecture me later. Just tell me if I can go home."

" You can"

" Yes"

" But, someone has to watch you."

" No, I'm a grown-ass woman."

" Who is jumping over railings, in a hospital? With a kid in her arms."


"That's what I thought, now here is a prescription that you have to take for two weeks"

" Ok, is that all"

" No, you can't stay home by yourself"

" Are you serious"

" Yes, I'm serious, now stop complaining. If you didn't just pull that little stunt, then maybe you wouldn't have to stay with someone"

" Really!?"

" No"

" You know this is not my first time doing this "

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