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The sound of my alarm can be heard throughout the house

I sighed turning over I pressed the button stopping the alarm clock

I yawn getting up I looked at the time

Six o'clock

I gotta go make javeion breakfast and get his outfit for today ready pack his extra outfit and get myself ready for work too

Oh shit I had paperwork to complete I jump outta bed putting my robe on I rush down the stairs looking outside

I go to the door pressing the button I opened the car door taking my files up closing the door going back inside

I go up the stairs to wake javeion up I open his door he's spread across the bed in an weird position he looks tired deciding to do that last I exit the room to look through the files I go to the kitchen

Hmmm lets make pancakes and scrambled eggs today

Making the breakfast while reading through the files I sigh taking his juice I go up the stairs waking him up

"Come on baby it's time to get up," I say kissing his forehead

"It's morning already,?" He asks I nod

"Come on get up," he turns getting up he rubs his eyes smiling at me

"Good morning mommy," he says I smile

"Morning jav," I say

"Come eat breakfast then shower get ready for school," I say he nods walking out of the room I go into the closet taking out his outfit for the day and his extra clothes packing it I brought his bag and lunch kit down stairs

Going to shower while he eats I got ready coming back downstairs I bathe him

Getting him ready I checked the time


Ok thirty minutes until I'm late yet again I exited the house closing up buckling javeion I drove off to his school

**At his school**

"Good morning," I say to the teacher

"Morning," she responds hugging javeion he runs off to brianna

"I'm almost late for work so I'll talk to you later alright," I say she says bye I bump into somebody when walking out

"Be careful," tae says I look at him

"Sorry wasn't paying attention," I say walking pass him

"Amelia wait," he calls out to me

Weh him wah now mon?

"Yes ," I say

"Is the boy mine,?" He asks

This question makes me look at him and question if he knows or not

"No he's not," I say walking away to the car park

"You know if he's mine It's not fair that you're keeping him away from me," he says

"Well tae he's not yours so don't worry," I lie getting into my car driving away

I'm so overwhelmed I wanna just cry

**At the hospital**

"And you're late AGAIN," the boss says

Yk mi really tyad a da ooman yah

"I'm a minute late," I say clocking in

"It doesn't matter you're still late," she says eyeing me

Yuh know mi ago open mi market mouth one a dem days yah pon har

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