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Omniscient POV

Mia sighed getting off her shift checking the time she realized it's almost nine pm javeion must be asleep by now she thinks to herself

Getting up she walks to the break room where her son lay sleeping she sighed

She hated that she couldn't have made him fall asleep in his bed

She takes up her son and her bag with her son in her hand his head on her shoulder she walked towards the exit just then a frantic tae rushes pass her with a crying british

Brianna on his shoulder

Wait what happened before she could think nurse keke calls after her she sighs

Wanting nothing but to open her market mouth on them she tries to calm herself she's drained tired and hungry

Only thing on her mind is getting home taking a shower and putting her son down he has school tomorrow

"We need you," she says to mia

A male nurse takes a sleeping javeion out of her hands as she rushes into the emergency room

Gearing up she sighs

When she entered the room she saw a bleeding brianna her heart drops to her stomach

"What's the situation,?" She asks

"She fell down two flights of stairs," the nurse says

"She has outside bleeding but around her arm is turning purple from a blood clot so she also us bleeding internally which mean he arm will lose blood circulation in a few minutes which will send a signal to her brain which she might go into shock," she explains

"It's obvious she broke her neck and hand it's a miracle her legs are alright," she says

"Get me the scalpel," she says the nurse takes it up handing it to me

After what feels like forever the surgery ended

"Put her neck in case and her arm be very gentle," she says as they nod exiting the room with a bloody apron and gloves she sighed

Waking through the lobby tae and british rush over to me

"Is she alright,?" British asks

"Is my daughter alive,?" He asks

Deciding to just give one answer she sighed

"She's alive but she broke a bone in her neck so she has to wear a cast also her left arm had a blood clot which stopped blood circulation so her nerves stopped working that arm died but we stopped the bleeding and removed the clots only when she wakes up we'll know if regain it's nerves," she explains to them

"Thank you so much when will she be awake,?" Tae asks me

"By tomorrow I'd advise you to go home and come back tomorrow morning," she says

She yawns

"Sorry I'm really tired," she says walking away

I just hope she's alright I sigh taking a shower I won't shower when I go back home but go straight to bed

I'm drained

Taking up her bag and javeion she walk towards the lobby

Tae stops her taking javeion bringing him to my car she smiled

He's such a good father too bad it's not to javeion

"Because you won't let him know that's his child," her inner self says rolling her eyes

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