death and meeting ROB

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Protagonist POV

I don't remember how I died, but I do remember that I used to be a joyful otaku girl that reads all types of fanfiction and webnovels.

Even when I try to remember my family, I can only recall their love rather than their faces or names.
My life motto is to live in the present moment, and as the phrase goes, after our bodies leave the mortal world, we should not be concerned with former relationships and feelings.I only wish they were healthy and happy.

I'm currently in the presence of a god-like being who is attempting to get rid of me as soon as possible.

According to him, I died as a result of his pet's error. I'm actually rather pleased with this circumstance because it's just like those situations where the MC can acquire a lot of overpowered desires and live a joyful reincarnated life, so I'm quite pleased, but I think there's something wrong with this situation.

[In your universe, you can not be reincarnated. I believe you are aware of this as well.But I'm not like the random omnipotent entity referred to as ROB in those webnovels you have read. Even if you perished as a result of my pet's error. I will not grant you the wishes you desire; instead, I will award you random talents that I believe are appropriate for you and simply ask which planet you choose to be born into.  ]

Even though i wanna argue somehow i felt that if i say something against this being he will not even give me a chance to choose and directly send me somewhere.

so i just thought for a long time on deciding which one to choose because i like Marvel world but i Don't know which wishes he will give me so i can't choose it.i don't wanna take risks.
I wanna choose Twilight but i like Harry Potter too .

"Can I go to 2 worlds like traveling between 2 worlds??"

[Are you kidding me?
ugh i won't waste my time on you anymore.i will just send you to hp universe. All the best and don't die again easily.]

"Wait!! wait!!! let me know about my golden fingerssss???"

[I know your past so don't will get some random abilities from all the webnovels you read when you reach 7 years it's time for you to go. ]

Then i only remember my memory go blank.

reincarnated in Harry Potter movie worldWhere stories live. Discover now