Trying to achieve something as a muggle

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In grangers house

Ariana POV

Most people in the wizarding world look down on muggles . But i think magic is good but not everything. I can suddenly loose magic someday or want to live like a muggle,then i should have some prestige in muggle society. So i started using my abilities. To cover it up ,i asked my parents to make me join singing classes and painting classes. I also always accompanied my sister to study in the library.
With the help of my golden fingers. I started learning music, writing,singing, and secretly practicing magic with my sister.

When i got my abilities i started to feel like I could do anything but then as i read news papers. Which made me realise, I'm still a girl and i need strong self defence techniques. So i attended a martial arts school, there i met an interesting instructor.
He knows "krav maga" which was used in Israel defence forces. I accidentally saw him using his amazing skills while fighting someone in the training ground.At first he didn't want to teach kids but then i always followed him and showed my ability to learn quickly. Then said some emotional drama. He finally got convinced.

But Convincing my parents became difficult because krav maga gives hard training but eventually anyone has to say yes in front of my ultimate technique which is my cute puppy eyes. so they agreed but Hermione has to be with me whenever i practice. She also learnt few self defence techniques like punching and kicking with me. But she was more of a bookworm so she just learnt a few basics.

With the help of my instant learning ability i learnt quickly and can use any part of my body as a weapon. I never used magic while learning krav maga so my limit is like a normal person.But my instructor is like a devil. He made my training harder and harder.once i just entered my training room and he started attacking me out of nowhere .

"Sir,stop doing these surprise attacks" i said while breathing heavily after fighting for almost an hour with all kinds of techniques using everything as a weapon.

"Attackers will not wait until you get ready to need to cope up with any situation"
my instructor Said with strict eyes but there's hidden joy in his face.
Suddenly Hermione chirped in by saying "That was a bloody brilliant fight.But be careful."

As we both are 10 years old . Hermione also started noticing all the weird things happening around her. Once she got frustrated because someone started to call her annoying,then she had her first magical outbreak. Then she also watched me lifting a book from a higher shelf using magic . I acted like, It was a surprise to me too. So we both started to experiment with our power . She is just like in the movie but she has me so she is not lonely anymore.

Because of magic and i don't know how, I started to remember everything from my previous life but i still couldn't see my family's and friend's faces or remember their names. But i can perfectly remember all the movies and books i have read.

So like every other protagonist who remembers every part of the song and movies , i also wanted to release it as my own creation. I know it's not good to copy others'work as our own but I'm not really a good person so i really don't care because no one knows I'm copying and there's no person who can write this work in this universe. So I'll use my golden fingers to fulfill my previous life wishes. In that life i always wanted to be rich and famous.

As school became boring to me .i started writing the first story which is "frozen" at the age of 9.when i told this story to Hermione. She became emotional and happy.when we both went to my parents and showed them my work.

They asked "Anna , since when did you start writing this story?"

Hermione replied"she has been writing like this since she came back from school every day. "

They looked worried and proud .
I Said " dad can you help after i made this story into a comic book. I want to publish it .i want everyone to read my book"

He was surprised and said "i will do anything for my daughter but are you sure you can draw this perfectly as a comic? "
Hermione said proudly" of course dad she is really good at drawing.i have seen all her drawing books"

Now I'm 10 years old and I'm totally proficient in fighting. And frozen is going to be published just 6 months from my 11th bday. Me and hermoine both became toppers in our school. Hermione worked really hard. She wrote all the notes and started rivising from 6 months. I just used her notes . I haven't got time to study. I was busy copying songs. Oops!! I was busy *creating* songs from the frozen movie.
No one's gonna believe a 10 year old can do all these so i acted like it took me entire a year to write songs. But I'm not gonna publish it until someone wants to make this book into animated movie.

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