troll in the dungeon

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Anna believed she was in complete command of the situation. She spent her time with the twins leisurely. The Weasley twins finally made a deal with Anna to prank every one together but not each other. Ron was devastated because he expected his brothers to back him up.

Suddenly, Professor Quirrell comes running into the Great Hall in panic.


Dumbledore rises from his seat in concern. Everyone looks at Quirrell and he stops there is utter silence.

"Thought you ought to know."

He collapses. The room falls silent, and then everyone panics, screaming and fleeing. Anna screamed in unison with everyone else. Hermione was perplexed, unable to comprehend what her sister was doing. Normally, her sister behaves elegantly, but when she screamed, it looked both elegant and funny.

Dumbledore said

"Everyone will please, not panic. Now, Prefects will lead their houses back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons."

Harry and other gryffindor students followed the percy Weasley. Anna is still vigilant as harry is a danger magnet. Even though Hermione didn't stay in the washroom as in the original movie.she is concerned that Quirrell might direct the troll attention towards harry potter.

Troll approached them as expected. Anna took a look around her, which was filled with screams and disorderly running students. However, because Gryffindors earned the reputation of being brave, the majority of the seniors remained to fight the trolls. They diverted the attention of the troll with all kinds of spells.

Anna shouted out loud
"Troll skin has high magic resistance. we can't defeat it with magic spells."

Ron shielded Hermione when a spell misfired and hit her. The Weasley twins played various tricks on the troll, which successfully enraged it.

Anna was about to cast the spell to end the troll but professor Minerva mcgonagall came and subdued the troll easily. Snape and Quirrell came following Minerva. Snape scolded the seniors as dunder heads for forgetting that trolls are highly resistant against magic.

Minerva sent everyone to the hospital to check if everyone is alright. Harry looked at Snape's injured leg. Snape glared at harry while covering his injured leg. Ron said sorry to Hermione. Anna rolled her eyes but still apologized for kicking him.

As everyone stared at them, Ron reluctantly accepted her apology.

The next morning , in the great hall. The gang is sitting and harry seriously looking at Snape's leg which was limping.

He said out his doubts that
"Listen, last night, I'm guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion so he could try and get past that 3 headed dog. But, he got himself bitten, that's why he's limping."

Hermione asked and looked confused,
"But why would anyone go near that dog?"

Harry made a face of remembering what they did,
"The day I was at Gringotts, Hagrid took something out of one of the vaults. He said it was Hogwarts' business, very secret."

Hermione looked curious while asking
"So you're saying..."
Harry came to conclusions on his own while saying,
"That's what the dog's guarding. That's what Snape wants."

Anna pinched Harry's face as soon as he finished saying it. She said in a motherly Tone,

"It makes no difference how snape was hurt. Why are you always preoccupied with things other than your studies?"

Anna turned towards Hermione while saying
"Sis,You can't just nod at whatever others say. Snape is a professor trusted by Dumbledore. Trust his decisions and I'm sure. Dumbledore knows everything happens in Hogwarts."

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