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I wake up as I hear the what sounds like two girls talking

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I wake up as I hear the what sounds like two girls talking.

I open one eye and see I'm in an unrecognizable room.

I look around. Yep definitely not my dorm.

The memories from last night catch up with me and I stand abruptly.

The two girls give me a funny look.

"Hey" I say laughing awkwardly.

They give me a small wave "I'm just gonna." I point to the door and they look once more and nod then return to their previous conversation.

That was horrible, I'm never going to let this down to my bitch of a roomate.

I bang on the door continuously.

"The fuck you want!" A deep voice yells.

"Oh piss off would you, i live here" I yell trying to look into the pep hole.

I hear people rustling to what I presume is to get some clothes on.

The door swings open revealing my roommate with a bitchly look on her face and Mr. fuck off behind her having trouble getting  his pants on. Dumbass.

I scrunch my nose up.

Ew gross.

I return my gaze to my roommate.

"I would really appreciate it if you guys would stop fucking like rabbits so I can sleep in my own room and not have to knock on some random peoples rooms and sleep on the floor. Yeah, you see this." I gesture to my neck which has been sore since I woke up.

"You wanna pay for my doctor's bill 'cause that shit hurts like a bitch" I continue walking into my room then into the bathroom brushing my teeth then doing my hair putting in 2 Dutch braids that lead into buns.

Finally, it's a hairstyle that's curly hair-friendly. The dance community tends to only help the needs of white dancers.

When I was chosen as Captain this season I was dedicated to making it an environment more welcoming to dancers of color and other races.

Not to say it's not diverse as it is but just some of the more overlooked things like this. The hair, makeup, etc.

Once I finish I pack my bag making sure to pack anything I might need in case I don't come back here before the performances.

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